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Lucy's phone flashlight was shinning down the deep dark road, everyone was walking together in a straight line.

Thomas "This is more creeper than the God dame woods"
He says all scared.

Jackson "I'll think I'll actually agree to you this time"
He says to Thomas.

Thomas "Finally"
He says back to Jackson.

The two starts laughing, Kenny was beside Rachel, she still had her arms folded, still nervous and all.

Kenny "You OK??"
He asks her.

Rachel just looks at him all scared.

Kenny "Look, the faster we find these, the faster we get back to the bus and wait till the police comes"
He says to her.

Rachel "I just want this nightmare to be over"
She says all scared.

Kenny "And it will be, as soon as we get the hell out of the place and never return to this place ever again"
He says.

Rachel "Yeah..........but who's blood was that back in the bus??"
She says all worried and nervous.

Kenny just looks at her.

Kenny " We don't know what happened, she could've hurt herself, and ran out trying to find some help, or something"
He says.

Rachel "If she ran out, we would've found her already"
She says.

She then walks up away from Kenny, while Kenny was looking at her, the two boys were still talking.

Thomas "Do you think, Kenny has a chance when we get out of here??"
He asks.

Jackson just looks at him.

Jackson "With Rachel?? Yeah sure"
Says while laughing.

Thomas starts laughing, he looks over at Rachel and sees her walking all scared/worried/and nervous.

Thomas "I guess this is hard for Rachel, going out for the weekend for her birthday and coming back with two people missing"
He says to Jackson.

Jackson "Yeah man, I guess this has to be her best birthday of the year"
He says.

Thomas just looks at him all confused.

Thomas "How is it??"
He asks.

Jackson just looks at him.

Jackson "We're going hunting"
He says while laughing.

Thomas just looks at him, Jackson looks at him and stops laughing.

Jackson "Not funny, OK"
He says.

The two walks up, the two girls starts talking.

Lucy "Look, Kenny is right, the faster we find these the faster we get the hell out of here"
She says to her.

Rachel "Yeah your right, how long will it be??"
She asks her.

Lucy "As fast as we can"
She replies.

Rachel "I guess we have to move fast then"
She says.

Lucy "Well in this road, there is nothing yet, but there will be"
She says.

Suddenly Kenny says.

Kenny "There is something"
He says to them.

He points straight down the road.

Kenny "What's that??"
He asks.

Where he pointed it was the end of the road, there was something there looked like a door.

Thomas "Is that a door??"
He asks.

Kenny "Looks like it"
He replies.

Thomas looks over and he sees the field where the truck was and sees it was gone, and the tracks on the field.

Thomas "Guys look"
He says to them.

They all look over to the field and see the field and the tracks.

Kenny "I guess the truck is gone"
He says.

They all look back at the door.

Kenny "There has to a connection to all this"
He says to them.

Kenny "Let's go"
He says.

He walks towards the door, the two boys looks at each other, then they walk behinds him and the girls walks behind them.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now