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Lucy was still on call with the police, Rachel was walking up and down the road beside the bus is front of the field and the three boys were sitting inside of the bus.

Thomas "She's gone, guys"
He says all sad.

The two boys looks at him.

Thomas "She's..........just gone"
He says again.

Jackson "Guys we have to do something, like she was afraid to go out alone and now she is, somewhere out there"
He says.

Thomas "She could be dead"
He replies to him.

Kenny looks at him with a mad face.

Kenny "Don't you ever say that again"
He says in anger.

Thomas looks at him, while Kenny looks back down to the ground.

Jackson "Guys for crying out loud we have to get her back"
He says.

Thomas "We don't know where she is"
He replies to Jackson.

Jackson "Well we better go find out where she is"
He says.

Lucy comes back to the bus.

Lucy "The police are 1 hr and 30 mins away"
She says to them.

The boys looks at her.

Kenny "Jackson??"
He calls him.

Jackson looks at him.

Kenny "Your right, we have to find her"
He says.

Thomas just looks at him.

Thomas "Together??"
He says to Kenny.

Kenny "Together"
He replies.

Thomas "OK, but there is no way I am going in them woods alone, or together"
He says.

They all look at the woods.

Kenny "Gerry seen the truck going throw that road...."
He says.

while all look at the road.

Kenny "So, we go down there"
He says.

Thomas "But the truck was on the field"
He says all confused.

Kenny "He went throw that road and made it on that field, so he went from the road into the field, so there might be a road that leads us somewhere"
He says.

They all get off the bus, while Rachel was still walking up and down the road, she sees everyone walking towards the road.

Rachel "Where you guys going??"
She says worried.

Everyone stops and looks at her.

Kenny "Rachel, first it was Gerry gone missing, now Emily is gone, the police are on there way, but we can't just stay on the God dame bus, and just wait for the police, no we have to get everyone back then wait for the police"
He says to her.

Rachel "We can just stay in the bus, and wait for the police so no one else will go missing"
She says all scared.

Kenny "Rachel I know you are scared but........"

Jackson "What if it was you out there?"
He says straight away.

Kenny and the rest looks at him.

Jackson "If you were out there, you would want us to find you and bring you back, wouldn't you??"
He says to Rachel.

Rachel just looks down all nervously.

Jackson "That's what I want you guys to do for me"
He says slowly.

Kenny "He's right, if anyone here was missing, we want them rest to find us"
He also says.

Lucy "Rachel, I know it's scary but, we are here together, I promise you we'll all stay together"
She says to her.

Rachel looks at them.

Kenny "I promise we'll all stay together no matter what"
He says to her.

Rachel "Promise??"
She says all nervously.

Kenny looks at everyone.

Kenny "I promise"
He says nice and calmly.

Rachel then walks up to them with her arms fold, they all towards the road, when they made it at the other road going pass the woods, it was that dark, you couldn't see life down there, Kenny looks at everyone.

Kenny "Anyone have a flashlight??"
He says to them.

Lucy then takes her phone out and puts the flashlight on, and she points it forward, it was a big long dark road.

Thomas "Yeah, where was the man in the truck going??"
He says to them.

Kenny "I don't know, but I think we have to find out"
He says to them as well.

They all walk down the deep dark road.

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