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So the boys walk into the woods with their flashlights, they couldn't see the bottom of the woods, it was so dark you couldn't see a signal leave on the ground, they continue to walk throw the woods.

Thomas "The man in the truck might be going on to a different road??"
He says.

Jackson "Yeah, we should follow the road"
He says with fear all over his face.

Kenny "No, Gerry came throw here, so he might be lost in these woods or something"
He replies to Jackson.

They continue to walk pass all the trees, but they still can't see anyone else in the woods.

Thomas "This is scary as shit"
Sounds terrified.

Kenny "The faster we find Gerry, the fast to get the hell out of here"
He replies to Thomas.

Thomas "If he found help, you know to get us out of here"
He says.

Kenny "Hopefully the person he saw can help"
He replies.

They suddenly heard a branch from a tree cracking, and they were looking all around, but they don't see anyone.

Jackson "Gerry, is that you??"
Says nervously.

There was no answer replying to them, Thomas turns to the boys.

Thomas "I think it's time we go back"
Says with fear running down his body.

Kenny "No, Gerry is out here, I am not stopping on till we find him"
He says.

Jackson "I agree, we stay out on till we find Gerry, because he'll do the same to us, he'll try to find us if we were out here"
He replies to them.

Thomas had fear written all over his face, Kenny looks at him and sees that he's scared.

Kenny "Hey, there is nothing to be scared about, once we stick together, we'll be fine"
He says to Thomas.

Jackson "Yeah, he's right"
He also says to Thomas.

Thomas nots his head and doesn't say anything, so they continue walking throw the woods.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now