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When they all made it at the end of the road, there was a big old creepy house, in front of the road, they all look at the house.

Thomas "Yeah this isn't crazy at all"
He says at them.

They all look at him, they all hear a noise, beside the road was some trees from the other side of the woods, they all hide in the woods behind the trees, Kenny looks out. Kenny sees the door opening, the man in the big coat and the hat came out and went to the far side of the house.

Kenny "Where are you going??"
He says to himself.

Suddenly he hears a engine running, suddenly the truck came out from the side of the House, and drove down the deep dark road. Kenny slowly comes out of the woods, he sees the truck driving down the road. Everyone came out of the woods, they all look at the truck driving away.

Lucy "Is that the truck??"
She says to the boys.

Kenny stairs at the truck.

Kenny "Yeah, that was the truck"
He says while looking at the truck.

Jackson looks at the house.

Jackson "What if she went in there??"
He says.

Everyone looks at the house.

Kenny "He just came out of that house"
He says.

The two girls walks up to the door, Thomas goes over to Kenny.

Thomas "You know what we saw?? Right?? This man did that to some people's faces"
He says.

Kenny "That's why, we have to find Gerry and Emily fast"
He says.

He walks up to the house, while Thomas just looks at the house.

Thomas "This is a bad, bad idea"
He says to himself.

Jackson opens the front door, he looks back at Kenny, Kenny just looks at him, Jackson slowly opens the door. There was the stairs in the side of the wall in front of the front door. Everyone walks into the door, Thomas was the last person coming in, he closes the door behind him, they all look around them. There was the living room on the right, and just another room on the lift. Kenny goes to the stairs and looks up, everyone looks at him.

Jackson "Kenny, you said no matter what we stay together"
He says to him.

Kenny "Yeah, the more we stick together, we won't get everywhere in the house before he comes back, split up. The girls stay together, Thomas and Jackson stay together"
He says to them.

They all look at him all confused.

Thomas "What about you??"
He says to Kenny.

Kenny "I'll be fine on my own"
He replies to him.

Jackson "No way, we are staying together"
He says.

Kenny "Listen God dame it, they need our help, we are splitting up, they need our help, so we have to use it"
He says to them.

They all just look at him.

Kenny "Please, the faster we find them, the faster we get the hell out of here"
He says to them.

They all look at each other.

Jackson "I'll do anything to get them back, so let's do it"
He says.

Kenny was going up the stairs, on till Jackson stops him saying.

Jackson "Wait, Kenny??"
He says.

Kenny looks at him.

Jackson "If anyone sees that truck, coming, we run back together and run"
He says.

Kenny "Yeah"
He replies.

The girls goes over to the living room, and Thomas and Jackson gets the other room, Thomas just looks at Jackson.

Thomas "You had to say that, didn't you??"
He says to him, while walking into the room.

Kenny went upstairs, and there was 2 doors on each side of the hall and and the end of the hall, there was just one door. The girls were in the sitting room, walking all nervously, the living room walls were all black full of dirt.

Lucy "How can this guy stay in here??"
She says to herself.

The girl continue to walk, and Jackson and Thomas were in the other room, in the other room there was just an old table in the corner.

Thomas "There is just a table in this big ugly ass room"
He says.

Jackson "Looks like it"
He replies to him.

Jackson was walking slowly towards the table, suddenly there was a squeaky nice on the floor, Thomas just looks on the floor all confused, he just looks at Jackson's back all confused.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now