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They were all running in the woods as fast as they can, suddenly while they were running Thomas didst see on the ground a bear trap, he steps right on it, and the bear trap catches his leg, he screams from the top of his lungs, Kenny goes down to the bear traps.

Kenny "Shit, OK, OK........Thomas hold still, this will sting a bit"
He says to him.

He tries to open it and it was painfully coming off, Thomas was screaming while tears were coming down his face.

Thomas "Please, please, Kenny please, I don't want to be taken, please Kenny"
He says all terrified while tears were coming down his face.

Kenny "No, no I am not leaving, just hold still"
He says to him.

he tries to open it, but Thomas was moving his leg with blood dripping out from it.

Kenny "Girls, girls, hold his leg"
He says to the girls.

Rachel and Lucy hold his leg.

Kenny "OK....... on three...."
He says.

Kenny "One........"
He counts up.

Straight away at one he pulls it open, Thomas screams from the top of his voice.

Kenny "I am sorry man, brother I am so sorry"
He says to him.

There was blood all over Kenny's hands.

Kenny "Come on"
He says to him.

Kenny picks him up and carries him, they continue to run away, Rachel and Lucy were in front of them.

Rachel "We should go back to the bus"
She says to them.

Kenny "No way, he knows one person is injured so he'll try his best to get us away from him"
He replies to them.

They continue to run, out of the woods and onto another opened field which had another pair of woods at the bottom, they all just look at the other pair of woods.

Lucy "Pass them woods, there was the road, right??"
She asks.

Kenny "Yeah"
He replies.

They continue to run towards the other pair of woods.

Kenny "The cops are on there way right??"
He says to them.

Lucy "Yeah"
She replies.

Suddenly Thomas falls to the ground in pain.

Kenny "Hey, no, no come on, come on"
He says in a rush.

Kenny couldn't lift him on his own, so Lucy came over and grabbed his other arm, and put it around her head.

Kenny "On Three......"
He says to Lucy.

Kenny "One........Two.......Th....."
He counted.

Lucy made a small noise that made Kenny stopped screaming, she looks at them.

Kenny "What??"
He asks.

Suddenly blood came out of her mouth, she falls to the ground with an axe stuck in her back. Everyone starts freaking out, Rachel starts screaming.

Thomas "OH GOD.......OH"
He shouts.

Suddenly Kenny sees the man in the hat standing at the woods, Kenny drops Thomas on the ground and looks at him.

Thomas "What you doing??"
He asks Kenny.

Kenny then pulls out the gun, he points it at him, while Rachel was screaming the him.

She shouts at him.

He replies shouting.

The man starts walking towards them, while Thomas was on the ground saying.

Thomas "Shoot him"
He says to Kenny.

Kenny just points the gun at him, while the man was getting closer.

Thomas "Kenny, shoot him"
He says with anger.

Kenny was going to pull the trigger.

Thomas "SHOOT HIM!!"
He shouts at him.

Kenny starts shooting at him, he was missing him, and suddenly he shots his hat off, the man turns his head and looks at the hat of the ground, everyone just looks at him, Kenny just stairs at him while Rachel was pulling while shouting at him.

Rachel "COME ON!!"
She shouts at him.

The man picks up his hat, and Kenny tries to shot him again, but ran out of ammo, Rachel then pulls him over. Kenny grabs Thomas, and Thomas holds Kenny's hand, Kenny just looks at him.

Thomas "Go...."
He says to him.

Kenny "No, no come on, get up brother"
He says to him.

He was trying to lift him, but Thomas pushes his away saying.

Thomas "No, no......"
saying it while crying.

Kenny starts crying, he looks up and sees the man coming for them.

Thomas "I think it's time for me to not be a pussy"
He says still crying.

Thomas "Go.......please"
He says to him.

Kenny had tears running down his face.

Kenny "Brothers don't leave each other"
He says with tears coming down.

Thomas "I'll always be by your side"
He says to him while smiling.

Thomas pushes him away, with a smile on his face, Kenny had tears coming straight down from his eye, Rachel then pulls him away.

Thomas "RUN!!"
He shouts at them.

Kenny runs while Rachel was pulling him away, they ran into the woods.

Thomas smiles towards where they were going, suddenly the man was standing right at his body, Thomas looks at him, the man had his hook.

Thomas "COME ON!!"
He screams at him, while tears were coming down his face.

The man stabs the hook in his leg, Thomas screams from the top of his voice, the man grabs the axe and drags Lucy with the axe on her back, and pulls the hook on Thomas's leg, while Thomas was screaming from the top of his voice.

DEAD MAN WALKINGWhere stories live. Discover now