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Back at the bus Emily was worrying like mad, she was trying to call the boys, she had Kenny's phone in her hand.

Emily "Come on, please, boys answer the God Dame phone"
Sounds worried.

She starts crying, she starts hearing noise coming from outside, she looks out the window and she couldn't see anything, she then walks over to the door, she was going to open the door. She was thinking about it, then she hears a noise again, she looks over to the window, and she just stairs at the window, and outside the man with the hat was there looking at her.

Emily "Oh my god"
Sounds shocked.

She then opens the door, and she goes out and goes around the bus, she looks at the field and no one was there, she looked confused, she hears a noise coming from the back of the bus.

Emily "Hello??"
She asks.

No one answers, she slowly goes behind the bus, worrying like mad, when she made it behind the bus, no one was there, she then sees the puddle of the ground coming from underneath the bus, she looks under and she sees the pipe. She was shocked, she runs back into the bus, and she closes the doors, she gets her phone out and rings Lucy, then she starts talking to her on the phone.

Emily "Lucy something is wrong, I don't know, but we didn't lose the petrol ourselves someone cut the.........the petrol pipe, it's a trick or something by someone......."

While she was talking, the man in the hat was right behind, while she was talking about getting closer and closer, then when he was right behind her back, he grabs her mouth and starts stabbing her on the back, she drops the phone, Emily tries to scream, and the man in the hat was looking at her, but can't see the man's full face only his hat, she tries to screams, and he stabs her another five times in the back, she slowly dies. Then the man pushes her dead body on the ground. Suddenly he hears Lucy talking throw the phone, he gets her phone and listened to her.

Lucy "Hello, Emily what was that bang........Emily.......... what's going on??"

The man then ends the call, he looks walks up and down the bus, and he sees a power bank, and on the other seat Kenny's phone, he takes them, he goes back over to Emily body and picks her up and walks out and away.

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