Chapter 15

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It's been a while since Midoriya and his gang has been trapped in the 4th floor of the building. None of the situations makes sense, and not even any one of them knows the reason why did the culprit brought them into another realm in the first place. However, they will soon be able to find out once they beat the game.

The scenery was getting a bit dull as the thin mist splayed out in the air. Midoriya and Uraraka were heading straight to their destination. Nonetheless, they stopped walking where they were pretty sure that they spotted something from the distance. They saw a silhouette of a ghost wearing a white cloth and long black hair from afar, standing on a raft as it drifts itself slowly towards their direction.

"D-Deku-kun. Look! There's someone heading to us!" Uraraka pointed out.

"N-no! It wasn't someone. It was a g-ghost!" Midoriya automatically stepped back from his original position.

"What should we do now?" Uraraka flashed a nervous smile on her face as she quickly glanced at her classmate and back at the ghost.

"R-RUN!" The minute when Midoriya asks her to run, they quickly leave the place and head somewhere else to continue their search for the Gamecube or some sort of a clue.

In the meantime, Bakugou and Tsuyu were currently walked past the 39th gate. Their faces solemn with heavy breath and sweats, no matter how exhausted they can be, they would still walk forward to their next destination. It was a long walk, not even the 39th gate was at sight yet.

"That was creepy. The 40th gate holds no clue for us, but a terror."

"Huh!? It's not only the 40th gate! All of these gates are terror! This stupid game is plain silly and nonsense! Why the heck would-"

His words were cut when Tsuyu bit her lower lips and when she points somewhere at the distance ahead. Her expression too was changed. The moment he looked at her, he knew that something else was in stock for them. He then immediately glance at the direction to where Tsuyu points at. Far from their distance, there was an empty raft drifted along the lake by itself with no passenger.

"Oh." The blonde guy murmured.

Both Bakugou and Tsuyu couldn't believe what they had seen. They stunned and their knees went weak of what felt like an anchor that has been holding them down. Soon, they could hear a soft, yet, creepy wails fill the air but none of them know where was it coming from. Creepy enough, that was able to make them shivers at their current standing position.

"I think we should head straight to gate 39th! Now!" The ever so calm Tsuyu exclaimed in her petrified-sounding tone.

"Shut up! Don't tell me the things that I already know! RUN! Frog brains!"

So, they ran and ran, but the soft wail never stops and the empty raft still drifts along the dark lake straight ahead. However, they were too soon to have arrived in front of the 39th gate, and when the did, the soft wailing came to an abrupt halt and the horrifying raft happens to just drift past behind the 39th gate from afar which makes both Bakugou and Tsuyu sighed in relief.

As soon as they approached the gate, nothing else was there for the rest of a minute. They wait and wait, still, not even a sign of spiritual being exist from the other side of the gate. Both of them stared through the gate with a blank expression, waiting for what was about to come.

"What the hell!? This is a waste of a time. Let's head to the next gate!"

"No. I think we should wait." The frog girl insists, calmly.

"HEY! STUPID GHOST! COME ON AND SHOW YOUR FACE! YOU STUPID SCAREDY-CAT! SHOW YOURSELF THIS INSTANCE!" The angry blonde gripped on the rusty pole of the gate as he began to shake it violently.

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