Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Alright, good practice today guys. We need to be ready for our game on Saturday night." Coach Dallas Eakins loudly says in the Oilers locker room, after a long hard practice.

"Now, I'll see you all back here tomorrow. You have Friday off, but on Saturday you better all be ready to play. The Chicago Blackhawks are a tough team to beat. We need to be ready, and do this. Hit the showers boys." Coach Eakins finishes.

It's 3:30 on Wednesday, March 19. The Oilers just had a long and tiring practice that started at noon. Tomorrow will be another practice, but not nearly as long. Thankfully, we have no practice on Friday, but then Saturday night is a big game.

I start taking off my equipment, and quickly shower.

Once I finish showering, and feel fresh, I change into my casual clothes.

After I finish changing into my casual clothes, which consists of a white v-neck and jeans, I sit in my locker stall and simply stare at the ground, thinking.

I really miss Taylor. I saw her on Friday night, but I still miss her. We are still the best of friends, but we used to talk more. We are both just too busy now. Me with my hockey career, her with her school. It's almost impossible for us to find time to hang out or talk anymore.

It sucks because I care for her so deeply. In fact, I'm in love with her.

Taylor. I have been in love with Taylor ever since I can remember. To be honest, I think it started when we were both five. I just loved her brown hair, her brown eyes, and everything about her. I loved how she was down to Earth, and I still do.

Taylor has never found out. Nobody knows. I haven't told anyone that I have never been in love with anyone else other than her. I've known her since I was born, and I love her still, to this day. And I always will.

Taylor thinks that we are just friends, but she is more than a friend to me. Taylor is honestly my soulmate, and I have no idea how to tell her. I think about her, need her, and love her every second of my life. I long to have her cuddled in my arms, but we are such good friends now, that if she ever found out I'm in love with her, it would ruin everything.

So, I'm sort of stuck. In love with my best friend, but I can't tell her because she will be shocked, and most likely, never talk to me again.

So, I leave all of my super intense feelings for her inside. But when I see her, there is nothing more that I want than to be with her. I just can't tell her. It would ruin everything.

I'm awakened from my thoughts by a slap on the back by a towel from Jordan.

"What are you thinking about Nuge?" Jordan laughs, as he hits me, really hard, to be honest.

"Nothing." I shake my head, laughing.

Jordan Eberle, is number 14 on the Oilers, and is one of my best buds.

"Sure you are. Probably thinking about some girl that he can never have." Taylor rolls his eyes.

Taylor Hall, not to be confused with my love-life Taylor Simpson, is one of my line mates. He's number 4 on the Oilers. Him, Jordan, and I play together on the same line, and we always hang out. They are great guys.

I refer to Jordan as "Ebs" because of his last name, and Taylor as "Hallsy" because of his last name, as well.

"Shut up Hallsy." I laugh. "Yeah, he definitely was." Ebs rolls his eyes. "See that was never a problem for me. I get whatever girl I want." Hallsy grins.

It's true. Hallsy is a ladies man, and is with a different girl, pretty much every single day of the week.

"Yeah but you don't even know who they are." Ebs laughs. "Yeah, that would be true." Justin says as he throws his shirt on.

Justin Schultz is number 19 on the Oilers, and plays on the top line of defenders. He too, is one of my good buds.

"Yeah Hallsy when was the last time you actually knew the name of the girl you slept with?" I ask.

Ebs and Justin laugh. Hallsy actually looks puzzled for a second.

"Dude are you being serious? You actually don't know when you remember the name of the girl you slept with?" Ebs asked, shocked.

"I think it was about a week ago. Megan, maybe?" Hallsy says, nervously. "You're pathetic." Justin laughs. Hallsy shrugs and laughs.

Hallsy is a bit of man-whore, but that's all good. You can't change that, it's just the way he is.

I pack up all my stuff, say goodbye to my teammates, and head out towards the parking lot of Rexall Place.

I throw my bulky equipment in the back of my white Ford F-150, and jump in the driver's seat. I start driving to my house that I purchased this past summer.

Justin was actually living with me for the past few months, until he found an apartment of his own. So for now, it's just me in the big house. I really wish it was Taylor and I though. But I know I can never have her. And I'm going to be honest, it does hurt.

I throw my hockey equipment on the ground, and head to my living room. I plop down on the couch, and turn Sports Center on. That show is on pretty much 24/7 in my house.

I get up, and look at the few photos I have in my house. I'm not much a picture guy, but I do have a few picture frames with memorable photos in them.

The first one is a picture of me with my parents from a long time ago. The second one is my brother Adam and I on his first day of high school. I smile. I still remember that day.

And the last picture is a vertical picture of Taylor and I from a few summers ago. It was actually the summer of 2011, the year I got drafted into the NHL.

Taylor is on my back, as I'm giving her a piggy back, and I tried to flip her over, just for fun. Her eyes are wide, and she's laughing and screaming, and I'm looking down laughing. Adam took it at literally the perfect time. I had no idea he had that picture until Adam gave both Taylor and I the same gift for Christmas that year. He gave both of us the picture in the same frame, and now we both have that picture. When I moved in to this house, that photo was the first thing I put up while I was unpacking. I don't know where Taylor put her frame, but I hope somewhere special.

I sigh and decide I should attempt to make dinner. Usually I would go out with Ebs or someone, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. I just want to be alone tonight.

I have cereal for dinner. I'm not much of a cooker, so that's all I can conjure up. Pretty pathetic, I know.

As usual, I think about Taylor.

I'm actually so pumped she's coming to the game this Saturday night. The Blackhawks are an extremely hard team to play, and knowing that she is somewhere in the crowd, I know I will play better.

I always do, for her.

I'm happy she's bringing Jessica along as well. I know the two of them have been best friends for a really long time, and they always have a blast together. Taylor needs to have fun once in a while. I think being at a hockey game with her best friend will really allow that to happen.

I finish up my "dinner" and then just hang out the rest of the evening.

I really hope Taylor is doing alright. I miss her so much, and I long to see her.

Saturday night could not come soon enough.

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