Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Today is Friday, March 21.

I wake up, but of course, I'm not down. I've got a long day of classes today, but I get to see Logan! What's not to love?

Logan and I have been talking so much over the past four days. We text when we're apart, we talk on campus, and we have gone for lunch together, every single day. We are super close now. It's amazing, and it all happened so fast!

I quickly eat breakfast, and change into my outfit for today.

I decide on dark jeans, a Nike three quarter sleeve shirt, and a pair of flats. Simple, yet fashionable. I never dress up for school. I let my straight brown hair flow down, and decide not to put it up today.

I grab my bag, and am about to leave my apartment when I stop at my door.

I look down, and notice an envelope. Someone must have slipped it through the mail slip yesterday evening. I was studying all last night, and didn't come out of my room, so they could have dropped it off at around 6:00 last night, and I would have had no idea.

I bend down, and pick it up. I carefully open the envelope, and find myself staring at VIP tickets to the Oilers game tomorrow night.

I gasp. I completely forgot about that! Ryan invited me a week ago, and I was so looking forward to it!

YES! This is so exciting! I can't wait to go to the game! Ryan must have dropped off the tickets last night, but didn't knock on the door because he knew I would have been studying. He's too sweet.

I still need to talk to Jessica about going to the game. When I get home today, I'll remember to text her about it.

I place the tickets on my counter, and start walking towards campus for the last day of the week.

I arrive on campus, and immediately start looking for Logan. There are hundreds of students, rushing to get to their classes on time, that there is no hope I will find Logan.

A pair of strong hands, grab my shoulders from behind, and spin me around.

"Taylor!" Logan says, smiling. "Logan!" I say, and absentmindedly force myself into his arms, and hug him.

God dammit Taylor! Why did you do that? You met the guy four days ago! What are you doing?

Surprisingly, he hugs back.

"Hey! Nice to bump into you so early in the day!" Logan smiles, sweetly. "Yeah, you too!" I beam.

Logan makes me so happy.

"Hey, I'm going for a boys night out tonight, but I was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow night?" Logan asks me, suddenly.

My eyes widen.

"I have tickets to the Oilers game against the Blackhawks tomorrow!" I say, excitedly.

"Seriously?" Logan asks, shocked. "Yeah!" I smile. "Are you inviting me.. or..?" Logan asks, laughing. "Of course I am silly! I think it would be awesome for the two of us to go!" I smile. "Awesome. Thanks Taylor! I'll talk to you later today, and we can figure out the details!" Logan winks. "You got it." I nod.

Logan walks away, and I am left standing alone, mesmerized by Logan's gorgeousness.

He is flawless.

I suddenly realize what I just did. I just invited Logan to the Oilers game with me. I told Ryan I would bring Jessica...

I don't think Ryan will mind, right? I mean, Logan and I are just friends, and it's not like Ryan will care I'm going with a boy. It's not like Ryan's madly in love with me and will suddenly get jealous or anything.

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