Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Friday, May 30.

The Flames have pushed us to a game seven. In Edmonton. Tomorrow night.

The Western Conference Finals, a Battle of Alberta, on Hockey Night in Canada, at Rexall Place, game seven.... it can’t get much better than that.

We have been pushing ourselves so incredibly hard this past week. 

I have scored three goals this series, not nearly as many as I would have liked. But Taylor is still affecting my performance.

It all ends tomorrow night. Whoever wins tomorrow night will go to the Stanley Cup Finals, against the Pittsburgh Penguins, who won the Eastern Conference Finals easily against the Boston Bruins.

This is it. We have to win tomorrow night. 

And I need to play my best game. But who makes me play my best game?


I haven’t talked to her in over a month. I want her so badly, and I’m honestly just miserable off the ice. I need to at least talk to her. Going over a month without talking to someone that I usually talk to every single day, has absolutely killed me. 

Lately, she hasn’t helped my game, because she is all that I can ever think about. 

But having her at the game makes me forget everything about her and Logan. The trip to Vancouver, the romantic PDA at Hallsy’s cabin... just the whole situation.

I’m willing to do almost anything to get Taylor at the game tomorrow. Her presence is going to make me play better, and I know it.

In order for her to be there, I know Logan is going to have to be there too. But that’s fine. As long as Taylor is there, I’m good.

Without thinking too much about it, I grab my phone and call Taylor.

I don’t even know if she’s going to answer. She might ignore me, but I will call her as many times as it takes for her to answer.

Surprisingly, on the second ring, Taylor answers the phone. I hear the gentleness in her voice, and it soothes my soul to hear her.   

“Hello?” She says, so calmly.

I automatically smile at the sound of her voice.

“Hey Tay.” I say, not sounding over-excited. “Hi Ryan.” She says. 

This tone is not different than the way she’s been talking to me lately.

Rude. It’s a rude tone, and a disgusted tone. But I don’t care. I can’t get discouraged by this. I physically need her at the game tomorrow night.

“Have you been watching much hockey?” I ask. “No, I haven’t. I know that you guys are in the Western Conference Finals though. That’s great. Who are you playing against again?” She asks.

My God. This is not the Taylor that I know. This is so not her. 

Something has happened to her. I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake her up, but she’s not herself right now.

Still, I ignore that.

“The Calgary Flames. We’re going into game seven tomorrow night, here at Rexall. It all ends tomorrow night.” I say, firmly.

Right then, something happens.

“Seriously?” Taylor asks. There is a tiny hint of interest in her voice. A little bit of a tone that tells me she cares. I recognize her voice. That’s Taylor’s real voice. That’s the voice of the Taylor I know, and that’s the first time I’ve heard it in a while. 

“Yeah. The game is at 8:00. Will you come?” I ask, sounding way more desperate than I had planned.

“You want me to come tomorrow?” Taylor asks, sounding surprised.

“Yeah, I really do.” I say, honestly.

“Me?” She repeats. “Yes, Taylor, you.” I laugh.

“I would love to come Ryan.” She says, sounding so much like herself again. I’ve missed her old self. I can tell she’s smiling on the other line.

That’s the first time we’ve talked without her getting all mad at me, in a long time.

“Really?” I ask, surprised. “Yeah, you got it!” She laughs. “Great. I’ll just send you the ticket then.” I say, smiling.

I’m already in a better mood.

“Thanks. But, hey, can I ask you something?” Taylor asks. 

I know what she’s going to say.

“Sure.” I say. “Can you send me two tickets? I want Logan to come.” She says.

I called it. I knew she was going to invite Logan. I don’t care, as long as she’s coming.

“Yeah, I’ll send you two.” I reply. 

And right then, Taylor’s voice changes right back to the voice she has had for the past few months.

Not the sweet, nice voice of the Taylor I know, but the harsh tone of the “new” Taylor. 

I don’t know where the Taylor I know is, but I heard a bit of her in that phone call. I just wish she would be here all the time.

“Thanks.” She says, sounding way too much like the “new”  Taylor.

I don’t like it. But I can’t do anything about it.

“See you tomorrow.” I say. “See you.” She says.

“Oh, and Ryan?” Taylor says, sounding like her old-self again.

“Yeah?” I ask. 

“It was nice talking to you after so long.”


YAY! Finally Friday! What are your guys' plans for the weekend?

A Battle of Alberta for the Western Conference Finals!? Can you even imagine!?


Anyways, any predictions for the Western Conference Finals? :)

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