Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I haven’t once stopped thinking about Taylor. She is on my mind all day, every second. 

When she turned me down on Sunday night... that hurt a lot. I had been building up my hopes of seeing her that entire weekend that when she turned me down, it sucked. And it wasn’t because she was desperately studying, it was because she had other plans. With Logan.

I don’t know how I feel about Logan. I respect him, because he’s young and such an incredible athlete, but I never would have expected him to be dating Taylor at any point in his life. That’s just a thought that never even occurred to me. I know that she thought the world of him, but he’s like a celebrity. And the thought of Taylor dating him never even came to my mind once. 

It’s Friday, April 18. It’s about 1:00 in the afternoon, and Taylor’s last exam finishes at 1:45.

I know exactly what I’m going to ask her to do tonight. I know she will probably have plans, but I mean really, after her missing my party, and then turning my offer down on Sunday night, isn’t it only fair for her to say yes?

And she deserves to go out. I was going to take her to my personal favorite restaurant in Edmonton so called, Earls. The boys and I eat there all the time, and it is the best food around. I know she loves it there too. Two hours from now, Taylor will be done her second year of undergrad, and it will finally be summer for her. That will feel good, and going out for dinner will be the perfect way to celebrate it.

I’ve been thinking about this all week. I’ve planned out how I’m going to ask her, (which is a casual phone call, of course) and what I’m going to wear... everything.

It’s going to be great, and I know she’s going to say yes. I just know it.

I basically pace around my house for the next hour, and when my clock finally hits 2:00, I jump on my phone to call her.

I find her contact, and dial her number. 

The phone rings three times before I hear her cute voice on the other line.

“Hello?” She says, sounding exhausted. “Hey Tay.” I say quietly. “Ryan!” Taylor says, happily. 

She must have forgotten about what happened with her missing my party, or she just doesn’t care.

“I mean... Ryan.” Taylor laughs, sounding much more calm. “Hey! How did your exams go?” I ask. “Surprisingly well, for the most part. I am finally done and I feel so relieved right now. You have no idea, it feels amazing!” Taylor laughs. “I bet. You deserve a great summer.” I chuckle. “Thanks Ryan.” She says. “No problem. What are you up to?” I ask. I mentally brace myself in fear that she’s going to say she’s with Logan or something. “I just got back to my apartment. Just hanging out by myself, you?” She says. 

I take a deep breath. That’s a good sign. 

“Nothing much for now. I was wondering, did you want to go out for dinner tonight? At Earls? And then we can go to a bar afterwards, or wherever you want.” I shrug.

There’s a pause on the phone.

“Taylor?” I ask.

This is it. The moment that she’s going to say yes.

“Oh... Ryan...” Taylor starts. “What?” I ask, still feeling hopeful. 

“I’m terribly sorry Ry. I’ve got other plans.” Taylor says, sounding nervous.

My heart beats faster. I just heard something that kills me, but I have to act like I really don’t care.

“Oh. No worries!” I laugh. “What are you doing?” I ask, desperate to know. 

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