Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


It’s Friday, April 4.

Exams are coming up insanely fast, and I really should be studying today.

But today is one of the first days of noticeable spring. It’s gorgeous outside. The sun is out, the snow is melting, the leaves are eager to bud, and everyone in Edmonton is out enjoying the weather.

I have to get out.

The past week at school was pretty easy. For the most part, I just listened to my professors, and perfected my notes, adding anything that I thought might be important. I studied hard every night, and I am in desperate need of a break.

Logan and I hung out a lot this week. We definitely made some public displays of affection on school grounds, (something I would normally never do but I get lost in Logan’s eyes every time) and just walked around together, enjoying ourselves. The attention from others has settled down a bit, but Ashley never stops looking at me. I can see her out of the corner of my eyes all the time, staring me down. But Logan is mine, and she can’t ever have him.

Unfortunately, Logan and I won’t have the chance to hang out tonight, because he had a team building exercise or something. I have to admit, I was pretty bummed when he told me, but it’s always nice to have some alone time.

It’s currently 5:30. I’ve been studying ever since I got home from school, and I just want to go for a walk with someone, just to get my mind off of things.

I reach for my phone to find someone to hang out with.

I turn on my phone, and see the lock-screen of Logan and I. It’s such a cute picture. I blush every time I see it. Just knowing that Logan Adams is really, really mine... it makes me overflow with happiness every time I think about it.

I scroll through my contacts, trying to make up my mind of who to call aside from Logan, and I see Ryan’s.

Maybe I should go for a walk with him. I haven’t seen him much at all lately, and I have to admit, I do miss him. He’s always nice to talk to. Plus, I have to tell him the news about Logan and I dating. I think he’ll be really happy for me. He knows that I have always admired Logan, and he’s going to be so happy when he hears that I am now dating him.

I text Ryan and tell him to meet me at the Legislature, that is, the Provincial Government building in Edmonton at 6:00. It’s really nice to walk around there, as they have stunning landscape. I know Ryan so well that I don’t even wait for a reply. I know he’ll be there. And with that, I head to the parking lot downstairs to get my car. 

At exactly 5:57, I park my car at the parking lot at the Legislature. It’s a gorgeous building, darker colored, tall, proud, and representing Alberta every so gracefully.

I walk towards the fountains in the front entrance. The fountains are probably the best part about the Legislature. Right now, the water is cool, and the weak, spring sun shines down reflecting off of it. But during the summer, the water probably gets super warm, as the scorching, powerful summer sun beats down on the water.

Nonetheless, it’s a perfect day.

Right then, I feel a strong arm grab my shoulder. My heart skips a beat. Every time someone does that, I start almost panicking because of a really bad experience I had at a bar in high school. I don’t even like to talk about it... it just gets me freaked out.

But, I am all too familiar with the hand that is placed on my shoulder. 


I smile, and spin around with a full grin from ear to ear on my face.

“RYAN!” I say happily, as I jump into him, and he embraces me in a strong hug.

“Hey Taylor,” He says calmly, as I snuggle into him.

I let go, and take a step back.

“I’m glad you could make it!” I wink. “When do I ever miss an opportunity to hang out with a loser like you?” He smirks. “Shut up.” I laugh. He laughs too.

The two of us walk around the Legislature, admiring the building right on the outskirt of Downtown Edmonton. There are a good amount of other people out walking, and I can understand why.

“So how has school been?” Ryan asks, as he walks beside me.

He’s not quite as tall or broad as Logan is, but he’s still a lot taller than me, and I like walking beside him. I feel small and protected.

“The school part... awful.” I laugh. “What other part is there to school?” Ryan asks. 

I smile. I don’t know if it is time to tell Ryan yet. I know that he has never really had control over who I date, but he’s like an older brother to me. He would always keep an eye on whoever I would date in high school, and he would never let them break my heart. 


“I don’t know. Other stuff.” I shrug. “Well that’s good. It’s almost over anyways.” He smiles. “Yeah I know. I have exams in two weeks, but then I’m done for the entire summer.” I breathe deeply. “That will feel good.” Ryan says, looking down at me. 

My eyes meet with his green eyes. 

“Yeah.” I smile. 

Ryan and I walk for about half an hour more when I can’t hold it in anymore. Ryan needs to know that I’m dating Logan. He’s going to be so happy for me!

“Ryan,” I start. He stops and turns to look at me. I look up at him, and then look back down at my shoes.

“What?” He asks, smiling. He’s always had a cute smile.

“You know Logan Adams?” I ask, nervously. Ryan’s expression changes. I’ve known Ryan my entire life, but I can’t read it right now. I can’t tell if he’s hopeful, worried, sad, confused... I can’t even tell. I proceed anyways.

“Yeah, why?” Ryan asks, smiling. 

I take a deep breath and say, “Ryan, Logan Adams and I are dating.” 


Hey Readers!

Alast, a long-awaited update! Sorry for the wait!

How do you think Ryan is going to react to the news...?

 Love you all, thanks so much. <3

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