Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


It’s Friday, June 20.

I broke my ankle six days ago, while attempting to clear my mind by going for a run.

That evening was all a blur. 

All I remember is an absurd amount of pain, Logan being a fucking asshole, and then Ryan scooping me up and taking me to the hospital.

I did fracture my ankle. It’s pretty minor fracture, but they said because of the bone that broke, it’s fairly painful. But, the good thing is that it will heal really quickly.

As for right now? I have a boot on my left ankle. It’s super annoying, but apparently it comes off in two weeks; on July 4.

So, that’s not too bad.

As far as things go, thinking-wise, I’ve got a lot to say.

I’m almost certain I’m in love with Ryan. I’m almost one-hundred percent, certain.

Is he in love with me? I have absolutely no fucking clue.

I have no clue whether he’s in love with me or not, but I know that I have really strong feelings for him.

Where did they come from? I also have no clue.

They just sort of... came.

Of course, his kiss was a major factor. Something about his kiss makes me feel all excited and happy inside. Secondly, Logan fucking cheated on me, so that turned me off of him. And lastly, who was there to rescue me when I broke my ankle?


He’s always been there for me. And these past few months, I’ve just been too stupid to see it!

I’ve been a bitch to him lately. I haven’t treated him very nicely, I’ve ignored him... everything that I’ve done to him has been horrible.

But, now I’ve come to realize that. And I couldn’t be happier.

And of course, there’s Jessica. 

She knows that I broke my ankle, because apparently Ryan told her, but I haven’t talked to her since the playoff party at Hallsy’s cabin.

I need to see her. I miss her so much. It’s been almost two months without seeing my best friend. It sucks.

I don’t know how to talk to her though. I was an asshole to her as well, so I don’t exactly know what to say. 

Whatever, it will come. I miss her like crazy though.

Now, Logan, however, is a completely different topic.

He cheated on me with the girl that I’ve never gotten along with. Ashley, has always had a crush on Logan, and Logan, being the stupid boy that he is, fell for her.

Was he ever actually in love with me? Yeah, I think so. After I disappeared for ten days? No. He just... forgot about me, essentially.

It still makes me upset that he was my first. But, what’s done is done.

I can’t do anything about him now.

He has been texting me non-stop. He has called me probably over twenty-five times in the past six days.

He always leaves me voice messages explaining how he’s so sorry, and that he’s still in love with me... but I just don’t have the energy (or time) to call him back.

Maybe sometime soon, I’ll call him to officially break up with him, (because technically, we are still a couple) but for now, I’m just going to leave it.

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