Nico Gets Annoyed at All His Nicknames

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The day after the boggart attack, Annabeth has her first lesson with Dumbledore.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: Cursing
Word Count: 4993

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.


Annabeth went to visit Nico that morning, bringing him breakfast from the Great Hall. When she got to the infirmary, Nico was just waking up. "Hey, stranger, want something to eat?" she asked.

Nico stretched and rolled his eyes. "What's up with these nicknames? My name is Nico, it's four letters. Not exactly hard."

Annabeth laughed. "I felt lonely. Percy gets to call you 'cuz'--"

"But you're not my cousin."

"--and Will gets to call you 'Neeks.'"

"Yeah, well, I hate it, so don't start calling me that either. Is that bacon?" Nico's eyes fell on the plate. Annabeth put the food on Nico's bedside table, as he grabbed a piece of bacon. She smiled. He looked so carefree and happy, considering what happened yesterday.

He's stronger than most people give him credit for.

Madam Pomfrey came out from her office. She looked around and noticed Annabeth sitting beside her patient. She shook her head, and said, "Nico cannot have visitors, he needs to rest."

Annabeth sighed and picked up her bag, which she'd thrown on the floor next to her. "Sorry, ma'am, I was just bringing him breakfast." She turned to Nico and gave a small smile. "I'll see you later, Nico."

"You used my name! Congratulations!" The sarcasm in Nico's voice made Annabeth laugh.

Her first class that morning was Divination, one of the few classes she had with Percy. Even though she liked being with her boyfriend, she hated that class. Trelawney was nothing like Rachel, and kept telling her she was going to die. The worst part was, she half-believed it, because, after all, she was a demigod on a quest.

On her way to the North tower, she passed Percy, headed in the opposite direction. It didn't take a genius to understand his intentions. "If you're going to visit Nico, turn around. Madam Pomfrey said no visitors."

"I don't give a damn what Madam Pomegranate says, I want to see him." Percy was joking, but Annabeth knew he meant what he said. He wasn't to the point where he'd break into the hospital wing... okay, there was a chance, but it was small. At the very least, he'd be bothering Annabeth about the subject for the rest of the morning. So, she thought it wise to report what she saw. Maybe it would stop his worrying.

"He's in a good mood, at least. I gave him breakfast and he seemed all right. Just focus on classes, he still won't be there by dinner."

Percy huffed. "Fine." He fished around in his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "This came for you. An owl gave it to me, but it has your name on it. Don't worry, I didn't read it."

Annabeth took it from him and opened it, it just had two sentences:

Come at 8pm. You know the password.
- Headmaster Dumbledore

"It's my lesson with Dumbledore!" Annabeth whispered. "It's tonight!"

"You'll have to tell me about it," Percy said at normal volume.

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