Stone Slides... Not Fun

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Nico and Alabaster search for the Artifacts of Thanatos.


Chapter Rating: Teen and Up
Content Warning: Cursing, Violence (mild), Self-Harm (mentioned only)
Word Count: 2647

Ten points to anyone who understands the reference in today's chapter title.

Also--I can't put it up here, because of spoilers, but there might be something at the end of the chapter you find... troubling. WAIT FOR MY EXPLANATION before you get mad at me in comments. I promise I have a good reason!

And all the characters are owned by JK Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


"Gods, it's freezing. You'd think immortality would, you know, help with this shit."

Alabaster laughed. "I dunno. It's only temporary, so... maybe it's different?"

Nico sighed. "Just my luck. Immortality with none of the perks."

"Hey, stop it." Alabaster's tone went from teasing to serious. "You're saving the world. Stop being so down on yourself."

Nico rolled his eyes. "It's just a saying, Al."

"Not to you, and we both know it. Come on--we tracked down all three Artifacts, we might run into your friends, it's been three whole days since you last cut! Life's looking up!"

Nico couldn't help but smile at Alabaster's optimism. "I've gone three days without cutting before. Give me another few weeks and we'll celebrate."

"Little successes, right?"

"Gods, you make it sound like you're my A.A. sponsor. Now find me the secret passageway you promised before my frozen ass kicks yours."

Alabaster led Nico through Hogsmeade, to a shop called "Honeydukes". The lights were off, shutters drawn, and door locked. All good signs of the owners being away.

"Merry Christmas, Neeks," Alabaster teased as he closed in on the door.

And the wave of grief poured in again, as hard as Nico tried to shove it down. Grief was for times alone in the Santi Cosma e Damiano, when he could hide under the walls of the pews and cry. Grief wasn't for the middle of Hogsmeade, when their current mission relied on stealth, and was sure to be lost if Nico curled up into a ball and threw a tantrum.

Alabaster realized what he'd said half a second later. "Gods... Sorry... I didn't mean to-- are you all right?"

"No, but I'm dealing. I'll be okay," Nico forced a smile. "I miss him something awful, but it had to end. I fell in love, he didn't... It happens. First heart's meant to break, right?"

"...Right." Alabaster kneeled in the snow and finished picking the lock. The door opened with a slight creeeeek. "After you, my lord."

Nico laughed, which he was grateful for. "Don't ever call me that again."

As soon as he entered, the smell of melting caramel hit his nose. Through the little sunlight from the ajar door, Nico saw the black and white tile floor, with its green walls covered with shelves and shelves of candy jars. Alabaster and Nico exchanged a look of delight, but refrained from indulging themselves.

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