In Which Persephone's a Badass Queen

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Percy's dream, part two: Persephone takes the lead in Hades' meeting with Hecate.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: Sexual Themes (mild)
Word Count: 5264

Just a quick warning--I didn't put it in the trigger warnings, because I never even use the word, but I do imply via Greek Myth that a rape took place. Basically, if you've read the myth, Persephone's the result of Zeus raping Demeter via snake transformation (i am soooo not making this up). So... it's mentioned that Zeus doesn't really want Persephone on Olympus because she's a reminder to Demeter about said event. I don't use the word, and I don't describe it. It's just kinda there, so...

Also, worth repeating: I use less common versions of the myths in this chapter; please don't get mad at me because you think it might be wrong. I can't actually cite this source, since it's from a print-out my Mythology teacher gave to me months ago, and I've since lost said print out, but this isn't a school report, so even if I get some of the details wrong, I remember the gist quite well (#photographicmemoriesareboss).

So... yeah. Just trust me on dis!

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.


Percy's mind was racing, reeling, and generally freaking out as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him.

Nico's missing?! How can Hades not find him?! Hecate's magic is somehow involved?! Why does Hades suspect Hecate of kidnapping Nico?!

Oh, yeah. And what on OLYMPUS is Hades so scared of?!

Outside the son of Poseidon's thoughts, things were just as chaotic. Hecate, in all her blazing glory, looked downright murderous. The pockets of Greek Fire had taken over her whole body; her hair and dress were both completely aflame, her torchlets (Percy wasn't as good as Hazel at naming things) had enveloped her arms, and her headdress and eyes both burned iron-hot.

Hades and Persephone bore the same expressions as they'd had most of the dream, but, seeing how they'd already looked ready to kill, that didn't say much. It made sense why Persephone would've suspected her husband of acting without thought; if Nico were missing... the last time he'd disappeared without a trace, he'd ended up in Tartarus, then a bronze jar. As for her own anger, even if a lot of it was likely for Hades' sake, Percy knew the Queen of the Underworld had warmed up to her stepson... well, she didn't want to kill him, anyway. Which, in the gods' world, was as good as an "I love you."

The only thing that didn't make sense was why Hades was holding back. Persephone, Percy understood; she'd always been a voice of reason in her domain. But Hades? The only time Hades ever held his temper was when someone or something (translation: Persephone and/or threat of Lightning War) held him back. As far as Percy knew, Zeus still had his Master Bolt, and, based on the conversation Percy had seen before Hecate arrived, Persephone had nothing to do with this sudden control of temper.

So... why now? Hades, what's keeping you so calm?

"I won't stand here and listen to these accusations!" Hecate roared, flames rushing forward to frame her figure, extending so far forward they almost touched the foot of Hades' throne. "You're a coward, Hades! You dare blame me for your incompetence as a father--"

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