Law and Order: Nico di Angelo

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Nico does his best to put a stop to Hades' and Hecate's coming war.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 2208


The final chapter! Well... I'm releasing one last chapter, Chapter 44, tomorrow, with letters from the betas. And obviously there's the sequel... but it's the last chapter in this story, and that makes me a little sentimental.

Make sure you click this link to subscribe to the new story page, or you won't know what happens! Right now it just says "coming soon" but I'll start posting a week from tomorrow (you'll want to let this chapter sit for a little bit trust me). Then, we're back to our twice a week schedule.

I also have a tumblr now. My theme isn't done yet, but when it is you'll have a hub of everything I've written across all the different platforms. And, of course, prime PJO/HOO/TOA content that has nothing to do with my writings.  Link is below.

And all the characters are owned by JK Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


Nico didn't expect to board Charon's ferry. He knew Hades would grab his soul and pull it to the palace as soon as possible. There were too many ungodly souls on the wrong side of the Underworld, too many to recognize the Artifacts of Thanatos for what they were and attempt to buy or steal them from Nico. It was too risky for Hades to chance.

So, it was no surprise to wake up on the floor of Hades' palace, feeling the glare of his ex-father, cold and malicious, on his tingling spine. It wasn't a surprise that when he stood, he saw Queen Persephone in a golden case-like coffin, with a glass covering encrusted with the bouquets of jewels Hades so famously adorned his wife with. It wasn't even a surprise that, when he stood, he felt the billowing Robes graze his feet and Staff in his hand and Orb animate again.

It was a surprise, however, that Lady Hecate was standing beside him.

"If I could murder the two of you without also hurting my wife, you both would be nothing more than a smoking grease spot in my throne room," Hades snarled. "And I wouldn't clean the spot--I would mark it with a sign and gate and charge the dead to look at it like the Parthenon."

"Nico di Angelo is still under my protection," Hecate countered with as much hatred in her voice, "Or did you forget that among your thousands of curses upon the innocent?"

"You come into my home, you insult my realm--"

"Only because I do not trust your word to leave my general unharmed."

"I see no warrior, only a half-baked Titan and her slithering scorpion."

"Thanks, Papà," Nico muttered, sarcasm palpable.

Hades whipped his head to Nico; the green fire in his eyes burned hotter than he'd ever seen. "You are no son of mine."

"Biologically speaking, I am," Nico continued, knowing he shouldn't push his luck... but it was too tempting, "But I do agree we never did the whole father-son thing all that well."

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