How to Break into a Graveyard

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Percy, Annabeth, and Nico uncover the first of Riddle's horcruxes.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: Violence (mild)
Word Count: 2799


And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.


After a deep, dreamless sleep, Annabeth woke up in the motel room. She lazily opened up an eye, allowing her surroundings to drift into view. Nico sat, perched on top of the kitchenette's counter, eyes staring vacantly at the wall.

Percy, waking up too, noticed Nico and looked at him in confusion. "Nico? What are you doing?"

Nico jumped at the sound of his voice. "Dream," Nico answered, voice clipped. "Thinking."

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Thinking? About what?"

"Thinking," Nico repeated. "It wasn't..." His voice trailed off. "It scared me. I saw Riddle for the first time, and he scared me half to death."

Percy stood up, and walked over to him. "It's okay to be upset. I've had my fair share of nightmares, and so has Annabeth. It's part of being a demigod."

"A sucky part," Nico grumbled. "Just pray that you'll never have to see that--thing--ever. It's horrible, it's unnatural, and he's barely even human."

Percy opened his mouth, then shut it again. After a small silence, he asked, "What was the dream about?"

"You don't need to do that."

"Do what?"

"Baby me. Pretend you care. I can take care of myself."

"He's not pretending," Annabeth cut in, then took a moment to sit up and rub her eyes. "And he's definitely not babying you. He's asking because we're on a quest, and you're the leader; the Fates send you the most significant dreams. So grow up, and stop feeling sorry for yourself."

She was a little harsher than she probably should've been, but Annabeth hated it when Nico closed himself off like that. It frustrated her... and it reminded her of the teenage Riddle.

Since the thought first popped into her mind, Annabeth couldn't stop making connections between Riddle and Nico. It frustrated her, how similar they were. Nico wasn't evil. He wouldn't kill innocent people or attempt to cheat death, and would never stray far from the gods. But, the way he talked sometimes, it brought Annabeth right back to the lifeless orphanage, the flaming wardrobe, and the young wizard with a gleam in his eye.

Nico pushed off the counter, and sat at the table, motioning for Percy and Annabeth to join him. He stared at the center of the table while he retold his dream; his voice entirely free of all emotion. As he described the simple way Riddle talked about murder, Annabeth felt goosebumps rise on the back of her neck. Lord Voldemort sounded exactly like Kronos.

Percy listened to Nico without distraction, which was harder than it seemed for an ADHD demigod. Annabeth smiled at the scene; it reminded her of the way her step-siblings acted back at home. She thought about what Percy had said the last time they were in a hotel room, about his promise to Bianca, and the responsibility he felt towards the boy she left behind. She could see the brotherly love in Percy's eyes and Annabeth only wished that Nico saw it too.

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