Hazel's Boss at Naming Things

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Nico prepares for his departure on December 19th.


Chapter Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Content Warning: Sexual Themes (mild), Self-Harm
Word Count: 2737

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

____________________ NICO ____________________

Light danced on top of Nico's eyelids, changing the color behind his eyes from black to red. He rose a hand to face, and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes; when he managed to open them, black spots danced in his vision. Nico looked around, waiting for the spots to fade; the whitewashed walls and bare windows reminded him of a hospital. It took Nico a second to get his bearings... the infirmary. He was back at Camp Half-Blood.

"How many times have I told you not to long-distance shadow travel?"

Nico couldn't help himself; his eyes flickered towards the open doorway. Once there, they refused to budge, even though Nico knew he was staring. He couldn't look away, not with his eyes starved of such a sight for so long. They drank the image in: beach blond hair falling over the deepest, bluest eyes in history; strong, muscular arms covered by the hooded green sweatshirt on top of an orange camp T-shirt; blue jeans ripped and faded from the daily wear and tear of demigod training, beat-up black-and-white sneakers rimmed with neon orange... all looking at Nico di Angelo like he was the world.

Will Solace.

"Hi," Nico managed after a long pause, a stupid, uncontrolled smile on his face.

Will snorted, though he didn't take his eyes off Nico either. "That didn't even remotely answer my question."

"You know the answer already," Nico teased, though his voice was still one of awe, rather than mock. "I never listen to you."

That was as much as either boy could take. In less than a second, Will traversed the few feet that separated him from his boyfriend, and kissed him. It wasn't the same kiss as August, not an innocent kiss, not one of exploration, but one of want. It was rough, and it was physical, with Will pretty much on top of him and pressing him into the bed. It was one that, had the circumstances been any different, might've led to more than just a kiss.

And it was glorious.

Nico pulled him in with as much fervor, running his hands up and down Will's back, on his thigh, his arm, anywhere he could reach. Will's legs lay on top of his, their feet tangling together, hanging off the side the bed. Every inch of their bodies pressed together, and at every site of contact, Nico's skin felt on fire. Maybe it was a side-effect of Apollo's lineage, or just a result of passion, but Nico loved it. Wanted it. Wanted more.

"Will--" Nico gasped, the boy's name coming out more like a moan. "I missed you, I missed you so much, I--" Will adjusted his position, which made Nico groan, cutting himself off.

"I know," Will whispered. "Me too, I know."

Acting on instinct, Nico rolled over, to try and place himself on top of his boyfriend. Unfortunately, Nico's instincts forgot how tiny the bed was, and that moving in either direction would result in both boys falling off said bed and onto the floor. Now sprawled on the ground, both Nico and Will burst out laughing, embarrassment creeping onto Nico's cheeks.

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