The Artifacts of Thanatos Kick Ass

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Nico di Angelo and his allies take on Tom Marvolo Riddle.


Chapter Rating: Teen and Up
Content Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Torture (implied), Self-Harm (mentioned only)
Word Count: 2674

I've decided to put the sequel on a separate story page. The reason is that I want you to see the new prophecy in the story summary each week like you do this one, as well as the new cover, etc. I want you to think of it as a separate story, not a continuation of this one.

Subscribe to my user account ( to get updated when I post the new story page. I'll also have a link to it on Monday's chapter (The new summary has spoilers so I don't want to publish it early.)

And all the characters are owned by JK Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


The night of December 30th must've been freezing, but Nico felt nothing on the little skin exposed to the air. The dark and dense trees of the Forbidden Forest blocked out most of the moon's rays, making the night just visible. The hilly terrain and rocky cliffs molded the landscape into high grounds and low grounds, caverns and basins and mountains and plains. There were a million places to hide, a million spots to catch the enemy unawares, a million ways to die.

My kind of battlefield.

Nico chose a valley to make his final stand. According to Dumbledore, they were just outside Hogwarts's protective range, meaning Riddle could get there with ease. The spot was a sixty-foot deep valley, two cliffs of roughly the same size stood about a hundred yards apart.

A little taller--they'll have higher ground. But with the distance and use of magic, it shouldn't be that much of an issue.

Nico stood at the top of the cliff, the point of a triangle. To his right was Percy, and his left, Annabeth. Ron, Hermione, Hestia, and Blaise stood in that order behind them, then the various Hogwarts teachers and Order of the Phoenix Members they could get to join them. Lou and Alabaster, working as a double-shot of Hecate hell, had already disappeared into the night.

Nico took a deep breath, and sent a silent prayer to all the gods on Olympus that he was right about what to do. The world was depending on him. Will was depending on him.

"Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Hestia--go."

"Morsmorde! " They all shouted at the same time. A stream of green light from each of their wands combined into a single point, which shot into the sky. The light zapped a cloud passing overhead, creating the largest and most lasting Dark Mark possible.

Well, the Ministry'll know Riddle's back now, won't they?

"Protect me!" Nico shouted, creating his shadow shield. The black shimmer erupted from the Orb, rather than his hand, forming a bubble around his friends and allies. With a quick point of his left hand, he directed all the shadows to Riddle's side of the cliff, lying in wait under the millions of ridges and caverns. He wanted to try that spell Alabaster had taught him long ago--to call the Furies to his side-- but he wasn't sure if they'd listen anymore.

"I am impressed, son of Death."

The voice came, that windy whisper that haunted Nico's nightmares.

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