Blaise And Hestia Hook Up

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Ron ushers in the last piece to the puzzle.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: Torture (referenced)
Word Count: 2088

Sorry for the late post. Emergency night shift at work... on my day off. Sigh.

Is it bad how much I ship Blaise and Hestia? Like... I basically invented them for this fic, and... ugh it's so bad. Maybe I'll write some one shots of them down the line. Probably not soon though, because God I need a break from this universe (for a short time, anyway).

And all the characters are owned by JK Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


Harry was the last one to arrive.

Ron had woken up early to get something quick to eat before heading back down to the Room of Requirement. In the Common Room, he'd gotten a--for lack of a better word--hologram of a green-eyed girl, with pixie-cut black hair and green tips to match her bright eyes.

"Ron Weasley?" the girl asked. "I'm Lou Ellen, daughter of Hecate? Friends with Percy and Annabeth... they didn't answer me--I think they're asleep or something, and Annabeth mentioned you were sort of in charge of the wizards..."

"Yeah-- yeah, I know who you are," Ron assured her. She looked half-dead from exhaustion and was covered in filth. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm in Hogsmeade, and I need to get to Hogwarts... um, like, right now. Steal a broom and give me a lift?"

"Uhhhh..." Ron glanced at the notice board in the common room, already full of Umbridge's decrees. "Sure. Lemme grab Harry's Firebolt, I'll, um, just be a few minutes."

"Thank the gods--I'm in the Three Broomsticks bathroom. Figured it's the least likely place for the Death Eaters to find me, since they're all supposed to be in Azkaban or whatever."

"Wouldn't want to be seen. Smart."

Ron waved the image away, and walked back into the boys' dorms. Harry was still fast asleep, which made it easy to borrow his broom. Ron figured Harry wouldn't care; Ron was a good flyer and wouldn't wreck it or anything. He also grabbed a cloak, one his brother Percy had bought a year prior, but left behind when he left his family behind. He'd hemmed it the best he could with some spellotape--it worked much better to repair clothes than broken wands--so it fit him better. The cloak did its job, and hid his Hogwarts uniform. With the hood up, he would look eighteen--or, at least, not like a student--to Umbridge or Filch.

He walked from the common room to the Owlery, broom hidden between his left leg and the wall. He got to the room without incident, which was a miracle, between Peeves, Mrs. Norris, Filch, and Umbridge. The way from the common room to the Room of Requirement wasn't used during the holiday break, so they never monitored it. The Owlery, on the other hand, was a hubbub of students no matter the day--kids always needed money from their parents, after all.

In the Owlery, Ron called down Hedwig and Pigwidgeon. They both landed on his arms: Hedwig on the left, Pig on the right. "Hey guys," Ron said, "I need to get to Hogsmeade without Umbridge finding out. Can you guys get a bunch of birds--Hogwarts birds, or owls whose owners aren't here right now--and convince them to go and get some exercise? Umbridge won't find a parliament of owls stretching their wings out of the ordinary, and I need cover to get there and back unnoticed."

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