All the Bombs Drop (and not just the literary ones!)

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Percy's dream, part three; Persephone and Hades battle Hecate.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Word Count: 3558

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.


If Hecate had looked like Morgan le Fay when she entered Hades' Palace, if she had acted like Morgan le Fay when Hades accused her of kidnapping Nico, she transformed into Morgan le Fay when she responded to Persephone's fury.

For half a second, the throne room was in silence. Hades stood in front of his throne, staring at his wife and "guest" in front of him, trying to process Hecate's words through undefinable amounts of rage. Persephone glared at her combatant, absolute hatred in her eyes, running through what would be the best course of action in her mind at lightning speed. Hecate trained her eyes on the Queen of the Underworld, then its King, smug arrogance contorting her features as she watched the two gods try to figure out what to do--what they could do.

Still watching the scene play out, but safe in dream-form, Percy didn't have to worry about action--not until he woke up, anyway. So, without having to deal with planning his next move, the son of Poseidon could let fear and worry envelop him.

"You don't have a stepson anymore?!" Does that mean Hecate killed him?! No... wouldn't Hades and Persephone know if he were dead? Unless she used her magic to kidnap his soul after she murdered him, and is keeping him captive in one of her caves in the Underworld. Or maybe she'd have put him in her lands in Great Britain. Or a different world like Ogygia--shit, even if he is alive, I'll never be able to find him! Even the whole camp looking wouldn't be able to search every possible world Hecate could've put him in! And, if he's dead--

Percy's panic attack stopped short as the scene in front of him exploded. Persephone sprung at Hecate--not catfight level, she was way more dignified than that--but, she screamed in anger and thrust both her hands towards Hecate. Vines--the same thorned kind with the black roses that she'd used to restrain Hades earlier--erupted from the floor of the palace, as thick as Percy's shoulders were broad. Hecate muttered something under her breath--no doubt a spell in Ancient Greek--and shot into the air. The vines grew to follow her, but she was too good a flyer and managed to stay out of their reach.

"Get her!" Hades shouted, referring the Furies, who'd perched themselves in their usual spot on the throne as soon as Hecate arrived.

With a squawk, the three Kindly Ones launched into battle. Dead soldiers flooded into the throne room, holding Korean War era machine guns, and started firing Celestial Bronze bullets (patented by Dr. Chase) at the hovering goddess. The three attackers cornered her in five minutes flat. With maybe three seconds left before her capture, Hecate yelled a curse of her own.

Though the incantation was in Ancient Greek, and the words didn't translate in Percy's mind like usual (that just meant they had no English equivalent), he knew it had to be bad. Why? Because, backed in a corner, about to become a P.O.W., Hecate sounded like she'd just won the lottery.

Blue orbs--Percy recognized those from the Battle of Manhattan, when he'd seen them surrounding Olympus--shot from the Greek Fire circling her wrists. At light speed--they were light, after all--they gathered in the center of the throne room. When the last small orb entered the larger circle--it took a literal second to get all the orbs together--they exploded.

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