Cho Chang Isn't a Morning Person

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Annabeth has her second lesson with Dumbledore.


Chapter Rating: General and Up Audiences
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 4422

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.


When Annabeth woke up Tuesday morning, she found a note sitting on her nightstand.

Come at 8 PM.

It had to be Dumbledore. Annabeth hid the note under her pillow while she dressed; then, after making sure her sword wasn't bulging, slipped the parchment into her pocket.

As usual, Cho was still fast asleep, despite breakfast starting in less than a half-hour. No one else was in the dorm, meaning Marietta and the others were already at breakfast. After getting her groaning friend out of bed, Annabeth decided to wait for Cho in the common room. That way, she wouldn't have to hear her complain about the evils of the dawn.

A few students read, chatted, or studied by the tower's windows. Their quiet murmurs, plus the lazy, morning sun, gave the Ravenclaw common room a peaceful, cozy glow. It was the perfect atmosphere for Annabeth's racing thoughts.

Her mind drifted back to the Gaunts, the locket, and the ring. That was normal; ever since she'd seen that memory she hadn't been able to stop analyzing it. The two possible horcruxes excited her; the quest was going somewhere, and it was her doing. She spent most of her time outside class thinking up where the locket and ring were, and how to get there. The possible curses Riddle cooked up, other factors that might come into play... this was where she excelled.

She took out the letter again and read the three words once more, with fervor. Despite her dyslexia, she could read that much pretty well. She also noticed the hidden message in the text, come at 8 PM, and don't let Umbridge know where you're going. With the appointment of a 'High Inquisitor', Annabeth had feared her lessons with Dumbledore might stop, but the letter proved her wrong.

Finally, Cho emerged from the dorms, yawning. They didn't have much of a conversation on their way to breakfast, Cho being half asleep and all. Once they reached the Great Hall, Annabeth scanned the room for her friends. "I need to find Percy and Nico; I'll be right back."

Cho gave her a tired, annoyed look. "You dragged me out of bed just to leave me? What kind of sense does that make?" Annabeth couldn't help but laugh; Cho looked a little like a zombie. She was definitely not a morning person.

"I see Marietta over there. I'll be right back, I promise." Again, she scanned the Gryffindor table, but saw no sign of Percy. She did, however, notice Harry Potter glaring at the Slytherins. Following his gaze, she located Percy with Nico, side by side at the table. The two were talking and messing around like brothers, or, in this case, cousins.

Thank the gods for predictability.

Annabeth walked over, giving them an incredulous look when she realized what they were doing. "You guys finished throwing waffles at each other?"

"Way to break up the fun," Percy pouted, but Annabeth didn't take the bait. She pulled the note from her pocket instead, showing it to them. Percy pulled himself together pretty quickly. "Is that another lesson?"

"Shh!" Nico whispered. His eyes darted to Umbridge, sitting a little too close for comfort at the staff's table.

"Sorry!" Percy whispered back. "So, eight?"

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