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a/n- "so hello there dear reader who decided to click on this story! and just putting this out there but I don't do any like romantic- oneshots on this one its mostly going to be super family and things like irondad spiderson shuri, peter, and loki becoming pranking gods- cuz why not? and if you guys have any requests that would be wonderful because I want to make people happy :) so yeah! I hope you like it, but im not a very experienced writer so I'm sorry if there is things like spelling mistakes or sentences like me and my brother- instead of- my brother and I- kinda thing. also I most likely wont do a bunch of author notes and if I do they might be kind of stream of constant thought. but yeah ENjOY!~ your author dragon. ALSO this story is origanally on my quotev account so yeah its the same title and my username is the same and everything so yeah. 

peter pov....

"hello I'm peter,its nice to meet you mr....?." I told the man in front of me, I think he was going to a Comicon or something due to the way he was dressed- a long green robe like clothing and two curled golden horns atop his head. a scowl set on his face.

" loki, mr. loki. and likewise peasant." mr.loki said turning away from me, with his head.
I smiled at mr.loki, he seemed like a nice guy.

"Mr. loki?" "yes peasant-like boy named peter?" "do you like the color yellow?" I asked.

"yes, I do indeed like the color yellow, peasant-like boy named peter." I stared at mr.loki for a moment befor- "YEET!" I yelled chucking a marshmallow at mr.loki.

mr.loki did not like being hit with a marshmallow.

"umm peter? why'd you throw a marshmallow at mr.loki?" asked shuri. "he doesn't look very happy about it."

"THE FLOOR IS LAVA!" mr. loki yelled. "AH!" shuri and I screamed in unison. I jumped onto the ceiling while shuri got onto the closest table and mr.lok- mr. loki just decided to burn in the lava.

"mr. loki! your going to burn!" I yelled concerned. "dear peasant like boy a god cannot burn from wooden floors. "uh oh shuri mr.loki died." "I see that peter we shall hold a funeral for the poor dude and burn his ashes."

"excuse me young things but, I am not dead I did not burn to death, I'm right here."

"ah, its almost as if I can still hear his voice now telling us he isn't dead." I said dramatically placing my hand on my chest faking tears.

"that's exactly what I just did! you stupid peasant!"

"sigh, we should probably go tell the others about his tragic death." shuri said faking tears as well.
the two of us left the room broken down in tears, mr. loki following close behind yelling things like "IM NOT DEAD!" "CANT YOU HEAR ME? DO YOU NEED A HEARING AID?!?" and such

"m-mr. stark.. *intense doubled crying noises* m-mr. loki died! h-he burned to ashes in the living room, that's why we came here because now that were not in the living room he cant be alive any more.. also w-were planning on holding a funeral for him."

mr.stark and everyone else in the room looked questionally at the two teens seeing as 'mr.loki' was screaming profanities right behind them while they were busy crying their eyes out. now as the rest of them were looking at them insainly, Thor got the gist of what they were doing, and started balling his eyes out as well.

"m-my poor brother!" que more intense crying noises*
the three of them hugged each other while crying, the rest hadn't gotten it until thor made eye contact with mr.stark and winked while still in tears.

"guys, I think we should hold the funeral today." mr. stark said surprising the rest of them, but with a reassured wink everyone understood.
" I agree" said nat "I second that" said bucky.

"then its settled lets get started." mr stark said clapping his hands together.

----------ten hours later----------

"okay who wants to say some words about loki?" the priest said.

"I would" said peter as he walked up to the front of the room.

"I hadn't known mr. loki very long but I think he was a nice man, I threw a marshmallow at me and he yelled that the f-floor was lava. - peter said tearing up again. "I-I'm sorry its just a bit emotional for me to talk about how he died."
"but for our next guess can I ask mr.loki to say something about himself?"

"yes, thank you finally someone notices me!" loki yelled.
"I just have one question though for you peter, why in the world would you classify 'me' as a good person?"

"because everyone loves loki!" peter yelled wrapping his arms around loki and hugging him.

loki knew he was going to like this kid.  

EVERYONE LOVES LOKI (just a bunch of weird marvel oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now