you cant be serious? +

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ever heard of the red string of fate? well now you have. the red string of fate is an old ledgend that everyone born into the world has a red string tied around their pinky finger and that string is then tied to their soulmates pinky finger. however no one can see this invisble red string. the string can be, bent, tied, stretched, drenched, pulled, run over, but it can never be removed or broken. everyone in this world cannot see any color except for black and white, that is until they meet their soulmate that is, when they do, they can see colors. the only devestating part of this whole ordeal, is that once you, or your soulmate dies, the other dies with them. its also said that the truest of bonds have telepathy. but anywho lets get on with the story. \

"stop!" he shouted running after the girl in the mask and hoodie. "you forgot your wallet!" he shouted after her again.

the reason the girl was running, is because she saw the color. something entirley new to her, she never wanted a soulmate, someone to have to share everything with, it was always just her and her alone. as they say its eat or be eaten.

so when she saw that little bit of green outside the shop door in the flower plant, she ran. the man chased after her though, the one she was connected to that is. he seemed like a nice boy, not an idiotic jerk or anything, but a genuinely nice boy, somehting you didnt find to often these days. but still she ran, her hood down and soaked. eventually he stopped chasing after her and she was left alone, what a surprise?

peter looked down at the wallet in his hands. it was a normal black wallet containing nothing but an id and two dollar bills. but when he looked at the id something flickered for a moment on the picture.. could it be a color? he thought. no it, it couldnt be, he didnt want a soulmate either, for he was spiderman. he couldnt do that to someone. just the thought of him dying and taking anothers life with him. he hated thinking like that. so he didnt do it often, but he couldnt help the words rushing through his mind. because even if he gave his life to save everyone, the most important one would still die with him.

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