new intern.... takes the lead? ^

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  so quick a/n here about the inspiration for this chapter. so im terribly sorry to make you all suffer through this but obviously I read fanfiction as well. I actually have read over 100 of them in the past month so yea. but anywho I read a lot of iron dad oneshots and this one just through me off, they stinking made him get a new intern and stinking peter is ignored and I just couldn't let tony and everyone else get away with that I mean he'S PETER for crying out loud! so yeah in these couple chapters ill basically make everyone suffer, because that's just what I want to happen because they stinking left their own son alone and what not so yeah...

tony stark was never one to associate with kids, well that was until he met peter, their friendly neighborhood spiderman, peter parker, his first intern.
peter had always been happy he had been tony's first intern, and he kind of had always hoped he would be his last as well, but of course the universe couldn't let peter have happiness, so that's when Friday night, tony walked in with another boy peter's age named chris. Peter wasn't happy, not one bit, not because of the fact that tony got a new intern, no that wasn't a problem, peter's problem is that tony completely forgot about him, yeah he wasn't his adoptive father or anything but ever since may died he had stayed at the tower with tony and the others. and it wasn't even just tony, the entire team suddenly decided peter wasn't wanted their anymore. they even went to extents as far as literally forgetting to make enough breakfast for him, and even giving his spot at the table to chris. peter wasn't happy, no one noticed when he didn't come back for an entire week when he had been badly hurt on a mission, to the point where he called tony but tony never came, peter thought he was going to die that night but thankfully he met a nice man that went by the name Deadpool who took him to a hospital, no body noticed the dark circles under his eyes, or how they were blood shot, they didn't notice the crutches he used on a daily basis when traveling around. to be honest peter didn't know why he was even still their. he thought about leaving, but then came the question as to where to stay. he couldn't stay with ned, or mj and his aunt was dead, however throughout the time he had been ignored at home he was ready to just end it all, but then the man in the red and black suite came out of nowhere again and caught the boy before any fatal damage was done.
"why would you do that spidey?" wade asked with hurt in his voice, it sounded like he could burst into tears at any given moment. "w-wade?" peter asked in a small voice. "yeah its me baby boy." "I-I just, I thought that they wanted me their, I would learn Russian with Natasha and train with them and help tony and bruce in the lab and be a good kid, but then, then he came and replaced me, was I really that broken that they couldn't fix me and they just had to replace me with someone better?" he asked voice as loud as a whisper. "I-I don't know why they would do that to you pete, but please know that I love you too much to see you this broken, and ill do anything to fix you, and if they cant see how much better you are then that stupid intern, well then they don't deserve your love." wade said with a venomous tone while he talked about the others. the two men both burst into tears holding onto each other for dear life, clinging on so much that it seems if they let go the world would disappear, the other with it. "th-thakyou wade." peter managed to get out after they had finished crying. "but I think I have to go settle some things, that is, would you mind me, maybe bunking at your place for a couple days until I can get on my feet again?" peter asked in a small voice, terrified of crossing the invisible line. but he didn't in fact behind the mask deadpools entire face lit up, his baby spider, in the same house as him? a dream come true he would say. in fact he was so excited he didn't even hide his happiness. "really?!?!?!! that would be more then okay!" wade shouted hugging his .. boyfriend? again. "thankyou wade, I really cant thankyou enough, so thankyou again, just for being here for me." peter said voice muffled by the fabric of wades suit. "then ill see you tonight okay?" he asked in confirmation. Deadpool merely nodded and waved goodbye to his friendly neighborhood spiderman.

when peter arrived home after a fifteen minute swing he opened his bedroom window open, climbing through only to see chris asleep in his bed. yeah this is definitely where the line is crossed. changing out of his suit quickly, peter grabbed a pen and paper and some tape, and began writing his message. after it was finished he taped it to the outside of the door, he grabbed his bag, cloths, school supplies, money and the rest of his essentials, then for the last time ever ran his fingers over tony's spiderman suit, he folded it up and set it neatly upon the dresser, but not before putting the mask on one last time. "hello peter." karen said in a kind voice. "hi karen." he responded sadly. "peter your emotions seem to be out of whack would you like me to help you?" she questioned. "no karen, i'm just here to say goodbye." "goodbye? peter? why would you say goodbye to me, you have never before?" the A.I system questioned.
"no karen, I haven't only because this is the last time I'll ever speak to you." "why?" replied the curious system. "because im leaving karen, im leaving forever, they have a new intern to love, im not needed here anymore, so goodbye karen." "goodbye peter." she said before he ripped off the mask. he shoved it ontop of the suit and left the tower heading for wades place, the only place he knew he was loved and welcomed. and he was sure he'd never see the inside of that tower again.

----the next morning----( I know he put the suit on the dresser but for the sake of me can you pretend I wrote he put it with the note?)

when tony woke up the next morning the first thing he did was too go check on chris, but when he got there before he could even step foot in the room he saw a note taped to the door, at first he thought it was from chris, but after looking at the signature he knew immediately he screwed up. "FRI please tell all avengers that there is an urgent meeting in the lounge room." "okay sir they have been alerted." Friday responded. once tony got to the room he saw the rest of the team waiting anxiously for him. "guys we have done something terrible." they all shot tony confused looks. "here this will explain, FRI can you please read the letter?" "of course sir." FRIDAY responded and continued to read the note.

"hi everyone, its me, peter writing this to you, I just wanted to say that I'm terribly sorry for whatever I did wrong, im sorry for intruding on your personal space, I told you, that I would only be a burden but no one seemed to care. I ust wanted to say thankyou for letting me stay at the tower with all of you after aunt may died, it really helped, but I get it, that Im not welcome anymore, that its. again im sorry for whatever I did wrong. but I just wish you would have told me straight out I was annoying or something then pretending I didn't exist for an entire month and longer. I must have really done something terrible if I was beyond the point of fixing and you just replaced me with someone new. or the fact that one night on patrol I got so badly hurt, I tried calling you all, but no one picked up or called me back, thankfully I met this nice mercenary who helped me to a hospital, I mean I really must have done something for no one to notice for a week that I was in a hospital, or that when I came back I had to use crutches to get around. and honestly it must have been so bad for you t not even notice that I had tried to, well ill leave out the details to that last one but im just lucky wade caught me before anything fatal happened. I think he might be the only one I can rely on, I mean he cant even die so. but I just wanted to say that I did love all of you with all of my heart and I handed it over, only to have it crushed, and it seems ill never know how to not get hurt. I also decided to return the stark phone and the spiderman suit mr.stark because they clearly arnt mine and don't belong to me so It would be somewhat of a crime to have your technology without your consent, so yeah I also wanted to say thanks for making me not able to join the avengers or else I wouldn't have been able to just disappear like this. and hopefully our paths will never have to cross again. take care of chris since he must have done something right. ~ sincerely, me.

after Friday was done reading the letter everyone was in tears. peter. how could they forget about peter? and now he was gone. well gone as a living boy could be, away with some mercenary lover of his, and all because of some intern not nearly as good as he was. the only thing they could think were plans on how to bring peter back to them, to keep him safe and happy again like it had been before.  

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