wait wait wait back up, sit down and think about your actions *

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  today was shuri's first day of school with peter, granted because of how easy peter said it was she wasn't very concerned about the tests and what not, I mean she made black panthers vibranium suit of course she's way above these standards.

so that day they were driven to school by happy and dropped off. peter was instantly greeted by ned and mj. ( now now now don't knock me for this but im just gonna keep going with the whole "family" thing so shuri's going to be his not sister, sister so meaning their not related by any way shape or form but they just act like siblings.)
"hey guys, this is my not sister shuri she's from Wakanda and she'll be going to our school for the rest of the year!" peter told them happily. "yes I am shuri peters not sister, its nice to meet peters friends." she said happily. she shot peter a look, silently asking if they where trust worthy to tell them her secret. peter gave shuri a slight nod. "also don't tell anyone but I'm also the princess of Wakanda, my brother is the king." she told them. "you have our word we won't tell a soul after all we've kept his secret, but should we like bow or something, like we don't want to be disrespectful." mj said. "no, no your fine thankyou I'm glad I can count on you two." she told them with a smile.

then the four of them walked into the school building and got shuri situated. thankfully flash hadn't spotted peter yet and he was able to help shuri, well that was until lunch that is. when peter, shuri, ned and mj sat down at their normal table flash spotted them almost instantly. "so parker! who's your girlfriend?" flash taunted. "flash she's not my girlfriend." peter said disgusted, after all she was like his sister. "oh that explains it you had to get someone to pretend to be your friend." he said. shuri was obviously uncomfortable, disgusted and angry, but mostly angry. peter was also angry, how dare flash assume something of his sister! shuri stood up to her full height ready to bash some heads, that is until. "shuri sit down I know you can take him, but we don't need him dead, i'll handle him." peter told her. "ooh what's little penis parker gonna do about it, your nothing compared to me!" he boasted. "well your right flash normally I'm nothing compared to you, mostly because I actually like school and would not like to get expelled but if I really wanted to you would be begging for me to stop." peter said calmly dark his hair covering his eyes and a sinister smile painted on his face. flash visibly frightened swallowed his fear and put his brave face back on. "so why are you suddenly telling me this penis." he spat. peter just laughed, a small, quite laugh smiling. "you didn't figure it out flash?" by this point everyone was watching them, some thought peter was insane, others were happy he was finally standing up to him. " the reason why I decided to tell you is because you insulted, my sister, and no one insults my family or friends." he said menacingly. "you can kick me, kill me, beat me, break me, but you will never hurt them." he told flash finally looking him dead in the eyes, smile gone all that was left was a deadly aura surrounding him, a blank expression set upon his face. "now would you mind leaving us alone?" peter asked innocently. scared out of his mind flash nodded his head feverishly walking back to his table like a dog with its tail between its legs. once he was seated peter took his seat once again. he hadn't noticed it but the cafeteria was now deadly silent, and their his friends sat equally as frightened of him as flash had been, proud, but scared. "okay guys let's eat!" peter said happily mood doing a 180. they all happily nodded and dug in.
lets just say flash hadn't bothered them ever again.0  

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