new intern takes the lead pt 2 ^

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just an fyi I did actually draw/write that picture on the, side? idk what side it shows up on, I think its the right tho, also I want to dedicate this chapter too XxlunaspirtxX because they asked me to do a part two, even tho I was planning on making one, but I like having motivation to finally get down to work so thanks for that and again if you guys have any requests or critique for me im always happy to take a listen!

so yeah here get ready for some fluff.

it has now been about a month since peter went to live with wade, he now has a stable job as a photographer and helps pay the rent for wades apartment as well as cook and clean, he does still go to school tho and is still spiderman. the rest of the avengers however have been filled with guilt ever since they read the note, they got rid of chris and tony made sure to never get another intern again unless it was peter. they had on several occasions tried to talk to peter during his patrols, but unfortunately he never wanted to speak to them, and he was always hanging out with that mercenary Deadpool.

after weeks of plans and processing they finally came up with a plan. the one place they hadn't thought about meeting peter at school until tony had come across mid town high intern possibilities. the plan was to literally just kidnap Peter from school one day and bring him back to the tower.

clint was positioned at the front door dressed in all black hiding in a bush.

natasha was hidden inside the vents of the school.

wanda was inside one of the only unused lockers.

bucky was working as an undercover janitor.

steve was wearing a wig while pretending to be a lunch aid.

bruce gathering up peters friends.

sam was helping bruce set up.

scott was shrunk down and on the lookout.

and tony, well tony was the one who put everything into place.

it was just about right after lunch when the announcements went off. "will peter parker, wade Wilson, ned leeds, and Michele jones please come to the auditorium." boomed the principals voice from the white over head speaker.


and so a confused peter and the three of his friends they all walked towards the auditorium, the only ones knowing what was going on was everyone except for poor little peter.

and so clueless as he was peter opened up the large wooden door.

"WE'RE SORRY AND WE LOVE YOU!" the team screamed and threw themselves at peter enclosing him in the strongest and biggest group hug he had ever been apart of.

"oh its you." he said stoically. but on the inside peter would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit happy to see them.

they're personas changed immediately. they all stood there kind of shocked. they knew that they couldn't pretend that nothing happened, but they didn't think he would respond like that. "p-peter were so sorry, we didn't realize that we completely replaced you." tony tried to lighten the mood, but still as they all looked at him they could see the fire that had once burned in his eyes had gone out, he talked with no emotion whatsoever, frankly he looked, dead. (im dead inside XD)

"well I guess it doesn't really matter does it? if im that easy to replace then why don't you just go enjoy time with chris, he was better then i'll ever be, wasn't he?" peter asked calmly, so calmly it didn't even sound human. "pete, we realize we made the worst mistake, the biggest mistake we could have ever made in our entire lives by letting someone other then you take up space in our cold and broken hea- peter, what's this?" questioned tony as he grabbed peter's wrists. "its just from patrol last night." peter said defensively, he ripped his hand out of tony's hold and glared at the man pulling his sleeve back down. "pete, I thought you stopped?" a voice spoke up running over to peter. "I did."

"then why are they so new?" wade asked. "its not your problem to deal with! I'm done being yelled at and babied and, and!" peter snapped throwing his hands up in the air exasperatedly tears flowing from his face. "yo-you replaced me."

"you flipping replaced me, with someone else, someone better then me, you completely forgot about me. you didn't even bat an eye when I was gone for an entire week, and then you just gave my room to chris, what if he found out I was spiderman! you! all of you! you never freaking cared! and I'm a stupid idiot for actually believing that you could even pretend to love me! i'm done with all the lies! and all the faking! if I was that much of a burden to you then why couldn't you just tell me! put me in a freaking orphanage for all I care! but I had to run away to wade's to finally get away from all of your bull snot! don't even say it, I know im worthless, you have all already proven that to me, I was replaced, replaced." he stared laughing maniacally at the thought of being replaced, it was one thing he never saw himself being.

peter was broken, they could all clearly see that, they were devastated to see what he had done, but you know when something breaks maybe you just need some glue to hold it back together, well as long as it wasn't too far gone, and even if it was, they would give anything to make him whole again.

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