good grief* (angst chapter so if you like happy oneshots move a long.)

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this is just something i had in mind because i keep reading iron dad oneshots where aunt may either dies completely, or she ends up kicking peter out, well after he doesn't have her to lean on anymore he automatically gets taken in by mr.stark and honestly i dont want to let peter off with a warning, now call me cruel but i'm a writer and i want to see my characters suffer... so sorry if you dont want to see them suffer, normally i wont make them suffer, ive even tried writing a story once where not a single bad thing happened and everyone lives but it was extremely boring and well yeah, so hopefully i dont make this one too dramatic but i really felt like they had to suffer just a bit more then they all already have. so yeah hope you enjoy, and actually feel emotion from this chapter! ~ your author, dragon.

"NO MAY, AUNT MAY NO!" peter yelled to the dented car in front of him. it was friday, july 31st, the last day of the month. peter had had a long day of school earlier, 5 tests, 2 homework assignments and a project due the following week. as much as peter loved school, he was still stressing about learning all of this new information, understanding it, and completing the tasks while still being a superhero and a stark intern. so when he got home that day to an empty apartment he closed the door leaning against it slightly letting a breath of air escape his lungs. he pushed himself off of the door walking to his room, where he slung his backpack off of his back and onto the small bed. looking around peter decided that it would be okay to take a break from homework to go out on patrol for the night.

he swung from building to building, enjoying the view of the busy city. after two more swings he finally stopped on top of a relatively tall building, looking down at the roads, watching people passing by and laughing away. out of the corner of his eye peter saw a silver car turn onto coming traffic at an oddly slow pace, so when he saw a car that looked just like aunt may's crash into it and flip over, he immediately swung into action.

in the speed of light peter was next to the flipped car. he tore off the car door and reached in to see a bloody woman in the driver seat, her hair was familiar, her face shape was familiar, her jacket was familiar, but the thing that caught him was the picture of him and may sitting outside an ice cream shop, it was always in the same spot. right on top of the glove box.

peter wasted no time pulling may out of the car, blood oozing out of her head. 'peter,' came Karen's voice. 'the woman you are holding seems to not be breathing, she also does not have a pulse, would you like me to call for assistance?' she asked after peter had attempted CPR. "yes karen please call for assistance!" he said 'calling 9-1-1." karen said in a stoic voice. "hello this is the operator speaking what is your emergency?" a woman asked. " i'd like to report a car crash at 7th street on broadvill avenue." peter said as calmly as he could muster his voice to be. "okay assistance is on its way thank you for your help." the lady said before hanging the phone up.

he felt like his world was going to collapse, aunt may wasn't breathing. she didn't have a pulse. tears blurred his vision, and let out the quietest sob anyone would ever hear, but no one could. panic seemed to engulf him, what was he going to do now? where was he supposed to go? he couldn't go to ned, his family was already with small space as it was. he couldn't go to mj's he had only just met her. and most importantly, he wasn't going to ask to live with mr. stark. 'just think about it, i'm annoying enough as it is, i can't just go to a billionaire asking for charity.' he thought to himself. he was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the sirens, or the yelling, the only thing that he noticed was the weight that had been lifted off of his lap, and he watched as they put may on a stretcher putting an oxygen mask over her face. 'its no use.' he thought ' she's already dead.' he watched her head lolling side to side slightly, every time they hit a bump her body would jerk violently. he watched them put her in the back of the ambulance. he watched them closing the doors. Finally he watched them drive away with the only part of family he had been holding onto.

he sat there for a moment still in shock of what had just happened before he pulled as much of himself together and swung back to the empty apartment.

once he was inside he closed all of the windows, all of the doors, he locked everything he could. he sat on his bed, and he cried. he cried for hours on end, alone on his bed, in the pitch black house, mourning over his dead aunt. after he was drained of tears, the thoughts came bursting into his mind like a raging storm. anxiety was going 76 miles per hour, guilt was coming down in buckets apon buckets saying things like 'if you had only been there moments earlier.' grief struck him like lighting, and 'what ifs' came at him loud like thunder, extremely hard to ignore even as hard as he tried it was something that seemed impossible. at the impact of the storm peter started hyperventilating, his mask not making it any easier to breath as it was. 'peter you seem to be in distress would you like me to contact mr.stark?' Karen asked. "n-no karen don't call mr. stark!" he tried to say 'i'm sorry peter but mr. stark has programmed me to contact him if your heart rate was to ever go over a normal amount.' 'calling mr. stark.' - time seemed to slow down for a millisecond, peter now had two options. 1 sit here with his suite still on talking to mr. stark about what had just happened, he could even possibly be a charity case for the billionaire, or he could choice his second option; he could get changed and packed in a matter of five minutes, grabbing only his necessities, he could climb out the window wearing his old suite with a back pack leaving his phone in his room, then, he would run.

he would run and run as far as he could until he dropped. he would find a good paying job, he would work instead of going to school, at least until he could get a place to live on his own, he would keep under the radar so that no one would come and try to take him away to a foster home, or orphanage. he would live out his life and give up on everyone he once knew.

this was one of the hardest decisions he would ever have to make, and he had to make it in less then a second. in thinking through his options for as long as he had, he chose the latter. he got up and stripped off his suite changing into his old one. he grabbed his backpack and dumped all of his things out of it, quickly putting as much clothing and food as he could into it then he walked back into his room and figured he should probably take his suite with him to a dumpster or something he picked it up and carried it to the nearest one, but just before he threw it away he heard a muffled voice coming from inside of it. "Peter!" it yelled. he stopped for a moment and put the mask on so that he could have one last chat with him. "hi mr.stark," he said with a sad smile. "Peter! oh thank the gods you're okay!" he yelled "peter i need you to tell me whats going on." "i'm sorry mr. stark," peter said reaching for the hem of the mask ready to take it off, a few stray tears running down his cheeks. "peter no! don't take off the mask!" mr. stark said hurriedly. "thank you, mr. stark, for everything, for giving me the opertunity to be a better hero then i thought i was, for giving me the chance of a lifetie to work by your side in the lab, thank you for helping me when i needed you the most, but i think i need to handle this one on my own, and i think it might be time, for spiderman, to retire, so if you'd like your technology back just track the suite, i think thats managable enough, but i think this is it for me mr. stark, so i just wanted to say thank you." at this point he was crying rivers "PE-!" he heard mr. stark yell before he hung up the call, and threw the suite away. in this dumpster laid the death of spiderman, and peter parker, but born from them was eren isle and a new superhero; arachnid.

so i hope i didn't break too many of you but do not fret i can't make anyone suffer this much, i mean yes i'm an evil fish but i couldn't let this go without a part two so look for the next part with another chapter with the * sign on it and it will also say good grief pt.2* like that so yeah. ~your author, dragon. 

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