gone- post IW chapter

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hello dear people I actually mentioned doing this chapter, in the last chapter, but if you haven't seen infinity war yet and don't want spoilers, well then read at your own risk, but honestly I would kinda love it if this actually happens, instead of them like dyeing, or being trapped in the soul world, they're all split up into different universes, kinda like if you have ever seen beyond the northern wall the scout dance crew thingy idk exactly what its called but like it was perfect because jean got transported to my little pony so yeah. but anywho on with the chapter! ~ your author dragon.

"what did it cost?" "everything."


Everyone was devastated, thanos had just snapped his fingers and half of the universe was wiped out, all of them turning to dust, and ash. it was a horrid reminder of how easily things could change, some civilians sat and watched the wind blow around the ashes of their loved ones, the dust polluting the already tainted air. cars, planes, helicopters were all crashing into bushes and buildings. firemen and police men lined the now almost empty streets, it had been already a small team for they had been turned to dust, but now only about five people remained. most people knew that this day would go down in history, the day that changed the fate of humanity forever.

however back on titan, only nebula and tony remained, both mourning over their losses, both too shocked to be able to even try to comprehend what had happened. but after tony had been able to return to earth, it seemed his thoughts were able to think once again, he noticed something off about the ashes and wind trajectory.

meanwhile in an alternate universe...

"ugh." peter gasped clutching his pounding head. "where am I?" he questioned himself, eyes squinting at the bright light of the sun.

standing up and scanning his surroundings he noticed a tall black slender tower. 'the Eiffel tower?' 'I'm in France?' he thought to himself. As he zoned on about why and how he was in France he was snapped out of his daze by a figure in a red suite with red dots on it swinging around. seeing this as an opportunity to get some answers he decided to follow the figure. "Hey!" "excuse me!" "miss ladybug person thing!" he called out trying to gain her attention. hearing her name being called, the ladybug dressed person turned around to find a man dressed in a red blue yellow and black costume (iron spider costume) "oh hi, I'm miraculous ladybug, and my partner chat noir should be coming soo-" "already here m'lady!" a man in a black cat suit interrupted her landing on a pole sign that was sticking out of a building. "okay um nice to meet you guys too, I'm spider-man." he introduced himself. "oh, I didn't know there was a spider miraculous." ladybug stated. "um I'm sorry to uh burst your bubble a bit, but whatever the heck a miraculous is, I don't have one of those..." peter told them. the two French heroin's looked at him with questioning looks. "um okay so I might need to do some explaining but do either of you know how I got here?" peter asked. "maybe by a car?" chat noir suggested. Spiderman just sweat dropped at his remark. "yeah how about we start with the explaining part because neither of us know how you got here."

"okay so technically I think I died..." this seemed to shock the two heroin's. "WHAT?"

"yeah so actually this big purple dude named thanos decided to find all the infinity stones so that he could 'help' humanity because everyone was like slowly killing the planet but like not only on earth, but through out the entire universe, like Asgard, I don't think theirs any of those left at all actually, just thor, but yeah and like um this one alien lady gamora, her planet was wiped out half way as well, and yeah so then he ended up getting all of the infinity stones and I mean I'm kind of surprised we didn't beat him, 'cause I mean its not the first time we have fought aliens, lets just say mr.loki wasn't always that nice, and you'd kind of think that two super soldiers, one with a vibranium arm, an iron hulk, iron man, war machine, black panther, some aliens, black panthers awesome sister, a special trained assassin, a bird like man, a god, a witch, an artificial intelligence that was made alive by the mind stone, another wizard, and of course your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, but yeah so he kind of got all of the infinity stones and did this whole finger snap thing, and well I kinda turned to dust and woke up here." he told them. they looked quite shocked. "wow okay so that is probably one of the most intense things I've ever heard! I mean we pretty much just stop evil akuma's that take over people that are in foul moods and end up turning into super villains, that are controlled by hawk moth, this weird dude who pretty much just wants our miraculouses so that he can take over the world." explained chat noir. "hmm okay well no offense but I really need to get back to my world so that I can still go stop thanos and everyone can be saved." explained peter hurriedly. "well we'll definitely help you, spider man." "okay um well do you guys know of a hotel or something around here?" he asked. "well um, hmm I feel bad letting you do that you did kind of just like transported from another world and lost half of your population, so I think, here I knew it was bound to happen sometime, but chat noir, I think its time we revealed our identities."

dun dun dun....

to be continued....

yeah no im still going.

time skip to after they all find out each others identities cause if I write it its gonna be a bunch of nonsense.

"okay so then here you can stay at my place because my parents most likely won't mind helping you out for the time being, and you can come to our high school so that we can help you try to find a way back to your home." they explained and peter agreed, anything at this point was better then nothing, he did kind of just turn to dust a couple hours ago.

and so they got everything sorted out, peter just hoped that he would be able to go home soon.

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