good grief pt 2 *

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 so last time i started this two part oneshot peter ran away from any one he had previously known and has sworn to not get close to anyone for a very long time. it has been about a year since aunt may died and tony has been worried sick about peter ever since then, he has been trying to find him, sometimes he goes days without eating or sleeping. (thankfully the rest of the team help with that.) lets just say that one tiny mistake can help two, re leave one and worry another.

peter, now known as eren isle walked into the corner store in the tiny town of lehtingvill, he ran and swung all the way from queens, new york to lehtingvill Pennsylvania. he spent a couple nights out on park benches or in trees but eventually he found an affordable apartment of 100 dollars worth of rent a month, he got a well paying job as a mcdonalds worker where he makes 12 dollars an hour and he can still be arachnid. (he redesigned the suite to red and black colors.) it was now september 12th and he had just recently seen a familiar face while at work.

flashback to two days ago...

it was september 10th today and peter had been assigned cashier duty the day had been long but still running smoothly that is until a red farari pulled up to the speaker. "hi welcome to mcdonalds how may i help you?" he asked the person like he did for everyone on a daily basis. "yeah, hi can i get a 10 piece chicken nugget, four cheeseburgers, "no make it four clint wants one too!" a voice yelled from behind the main speaker. 'clint, he hadn't heard that name in a while, peter thought.' "okay okay, sorry make that four cheeseburgers a large salad, two chicken sandwiches- "i want poptarts!" thor said aggressively. "no thor you cant get poptarts here!" steve told him. "and how about one happy meal." tony finished. peter knew these people, and he didnt want to come in contact with them, so he tried his best to make this order short and sweet. "okay sir, your total is $59.99 please pay at the first window and your order will be ready shortly." peter said the customary line. when tony pulled up to the window where peter was standing peter pulled his had down as far as possible trying to face away from the customer as much as possible.

"okay your total is $59.99?" peter asked to make sure he had the right person. "yep one sec. here," tony said handing over the right amount. "also here take one of my business cards its better then working at mcdonalds." "thank you sir i will look into your offer." peter said, giving him his change. "okay and heres your order, have a nice day!" peter said quickly handing them there food and putting the business card in his pocket.)

present day;

so here he was in the corner store when he again saw mr. stark, and the rest of the avengers. he quickly pulled his hood up and walked past them grabbing a gallon of milk and heading up to the counter to pay. but as he was walking past. "look i know you miss him tony but you cant not eat anything peter would want you to be happy and healthy." steve said to tony. his pace drastically slowed, but he kept trudging up to the counter, one foot in front of the other.

he finally reached the counter thoughts racing through his head. he quickly payed and left as quickly as possible, the thought s and feelings and what ifs took over his mind, he had to get home. ever since aunt may had died peter had severe panic attacks and he still hadn't found a way to stop them so he always try'd to get home before they fully came out, this time he wasn't so lucky, with trouble bearing everything he quickly turned into an alley way and slid down against a stone building. he started breathing heavily, it was irregular and inconsistent but he tried his hardest to calm down. his hands found their way to either side of his head, as he tried to curl up into a ball even more then he already was. "-eter." a voice said from above him, but peter wasn't listening he continued to sit and think. "-er!" the voice yelled again. he then felt a hand on his shoulder, he felt himself being picked up and held while someone rested their head atop of his rubbing his back soothingly. the voice started humming a familiar tune, it was soothing him soundly to sleep taking all of his worries away, there was just one problem with all of this.. peter didnt know who had been holding him.

a few hours later peter woke up back at his apartment alone in his bed. at first he thought everything was as it had always been but then he heard voices from either side of him. "guys we cant just take him back, maybe he doesnt want to come." a voice said. peter gathered bits and pieces of the arguments that had been going on, they were either about him or what everyone was having for dinner. "hey guys, hes awake." suddenly all of the voices stopped everyone looked his way studying him like he was a ghost or something.

the first person to make any movement was tony he ran over to peter and hugged the life out of him, soon enough everyone else joined in as well. "you mr. have a lot of explaining to do!" tony said sternly. peter laughed nervously. "well i uh well about a year ago, well aunt may, she died... and so that's when i gave up being spiderman, and i r-ran away to here and well yeah," peter tried to explain in a voice so quite it wouldn't even be considered a whisper. "you peter, are one of the stupidest teenagers ive ever met!" tony said scolding him agian. "why didn't you just call me!?" he asked hurriedly. this remark made peter loose it a bit. "because i didn't want to be some sort of charity case or something!" he explained. "well first of all peter you could never be a charity case for me, i would have taken you in with no hesitation, also i think there's more to it then that, isn't there?" peter looked down at his hands wearily. "w-well, yes, its just, every time i seem to get close to someone they end up dying in front of me! i-i didn't want you to be the next one to go, i didn't want it to be anyone, so i ran away and vowed to not get close to anyone for a very long time..." peter explained again. "oh, peter, i would have given anything to have you come live in with me, your probably the best thing to ever come into my life! and i cannot stress how much i love you, and how much i just want to see you happy! and how much of a privileged it would be to be your father." peters eyes widened at the man in front of him, he was ready to give up everything for him, peter was crying, again this past year had been nothing but heartache and tears, but now, peter found his light, his father. "i-i would like that a lot actually.." peter choked out while latching onto tony. now father and son sat there, holding onto each other as if they would slip away at a moments notice, they ignored the cheering team around them, the ones that were part of their broken family, because that's exactly what they all were. they were all broken in some way, but now they had all found their broken pieces within each other, they put their gigantic puzzle back together where each piece fit like a glove against one another, and that's how it would be, and that is how it would stay, because after all of the hard work of putting that broken puzzle together you get a wonderful picture.

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