new friends #

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amya pov.

today was the first day of my new life at a new school, my name is amya caller, i'm currently in the care of a foster home that consists of bob and Darla, and lets just say im not quite all here. well I am here but well im not exactly normal. you see, I have inhuman powers, how did I get them you ask? well when I was ten I was sent to a foster home where two other kids had been before me, it had been all over the news, they had died in a 'car crash' two days before I had been sent there. now there had been a lot of speculation about this so called 'car crash' but I might have been one of the only people to know the truth. the man there harled, ran tests on any kids that where put under his care, and that included me. it was extremely painful, I was stuck with needles, drowned, got hypothermia, I was burned, and finally I was buried alive. but yet somehow throughout this all I survived and my physical appearance stayed the same as well, well almost, my eyes are different colors now, one a golden brown, the other a vibrant green. so as you can see I was the only one to ever survive those horrid tests. but now here I am, another new home, new school, new gaurdians, new everything pretty much, well almost he only thing I was 99.9% sure that would never change is having friends, I never had a true friend, yeah I was forced to socialize with other beings but most of them thought I was a freak because of my eyes. they said things like 'demonic creature' or 'animal freak'. things like that. for the most part I just ignored them and kept trudging through.
but here I am again, at the gates of he--- "I'm sorry young lady there is no cursing in this fanfiction!" the author told amya. "oh, sorry." "anyway on with your story."

so here I was at the gates of, school, black hoodie covering most of my body, head down, thoughts racing. I looked down at my schedule. 'first period, mrs. smith room D216.' I walked around looking for the room number slowing down once I hit 213. I walked into my classroom and sat at the very back hoping we wouldn't have assigned seating.
"hello class welcome back from Christmas brake! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday, but now were back in school and were going to hammer though the rest of the year, oh! I almost forgot we have a new student joining us today, amya?" mrs.smith rambled. my head shot up at my name, I looked at the teacher dead in the eye trying to ignore the rest of the peering eyes from around me. "amya, would you raise your hand?" she asked sweetly.
I did as I was told, I raised my hand four inches above my head eyes fixed on the ground, my thoughts penetrating my mind, filing up with questions that didn't have answers, and scenarios that were so unimaginable that i didnt even know how i thought them up. "And seeing as your new here, hmm peter? Do you think you can show ms.caller to her classes today?" A boy in the corner with brown hair's head shot up from his book, he gave mrs.smith a firm nod and then class began.

after class the Peter boy came up to me. "So your Amya right?" He asked I nodded shyly keeping a stoick face.

-------------------------------------------h3y your my dad boogie woogie woogie!----------------------------------

no ones pov.

during the rest of the day amya and peter grew close, she also was introduced to mj and ned and for the first time in well ever, she had friends.

that night amya went back to the foster home she lived in, back to bob and Darla.

once she made sure they were fast asleep she changed into her suite. pulling her mask over her nose and mouth. she silently climbed out her window skirt, and hair flapping around in the rapid wind. amya loved the feeling of the cold night air gnawing at her frozen cheeks. she loved the view of the city from up high aswell, the only problem is that she had a slight fear of falling, but in times like these she would swallow her fear hiding it in the depths of her stomach, under layers and boxes of other things. she took a deep breath letting it go and creating a cloud just dense enough for her to sit on it and float around without falling through.

out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure swing from building to building with a type of clear thread. alerted by the inhuman figure she stood up on her cloud racing towards it. "hey!" she shouted. "who are you and what are you doing?" she asked. startled the red and blue figure almost missed his next building and could have fallen, but he didn't. "oh! hey? I'm just your friendly neighborhood spiderman." he said stopping next to her. "and who might you be?" he asked. "nice to meet you spiderman, call me, mother nature."

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