Chapter 8

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Michael's POV

We walk back home. Terror filling me when I walk past the spot I nearly got killed in. I jam the keys in the lock and almost fall through the door. Danni walks into the kitchen.

"Oh my god" she gasps and I run to her side. The kitchen is trashed. Broken glass blanketing the floor, ripped wallpaper, chairs thrown everywhere. I scan the room and my eyes focus on one wall. 'You're dead' was written across the wall in what I hoped was red paint. I covered my mouth trying to prevent a scream that was fighting its way up.

We sweep the broken glass into a black bag and place the chairs back to where they're supposed to be.

"Do you think that man did this?" Danni asked tidying up the work tops and I nod when realisation hit me. What have we done to deserve this? I decide to call Ash, Calum and Luke to help tidy up.

"Hey Ash, this place has been trashed when we were out, can you help us?" I say when Ash picks up.

"Sure man, we'll be right over" he says and hangs up the phone. I hear Danni's breathing get more rapid. I look over at her to see her face in her hands crying. I drop the dust pan and brush and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her trembling figure startling her slightly.

"I can't believe someone would do this" she cries turning around and resting her head on my chest. I stroke her hair and kiss her head in hope to make her feel better.

"Everything will be fine" I say in attempt to convince us both.

"Oh my god" Calum says when he sees what has happened.

"Why would someone do this?" Luke asks, more of a rhetorical question as no one knows. "I just can't believe it" he says and takes the pan and brush I dropped earlier and finishes off sweeping up the broken glass and tipping it into the half full black bag. Calum attempting to glue the wallpaper back up and Ashton scrubbing at the red paint across the wall.

A couple hours later the house is back to normal. Well as normal as it can be after being out through that vandalism.

"Michael you two have to get out of here" Ashton warns but I shake my head.

"I can't" I say cowardly.

"Why not?" he presses making my cheeks flush.

"The landlord is tough, he let us have it cheaper as it our honeymoon as long as we stay and keep it tidy" I say.

"Wait. As long as you stay? That sounds like he knows what would go on if he told you to stay" Ashton says putting his long index finger in the air.

"But Ash, what is happening? You saying he could be behind all of this?" I ask, then it hits me. Of course he is. He wouldn't have been a eager to make us stay, he would've picked up when I told him about than man in the garden, and now this.

"Of course he is. It's obvious" Ashton says.

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