Lunch (Grandice)

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Grants POV
We are on the set of the flash and I am shooting a westallen family scene with Candice and Jessica. Me: "I love you both, you are my girls and always will be!" Candice: "aww! I love you too Barry!" (Oh how I wish she could say hat in real life too) Jessica: "aww dad that was soo sweet!" (Jessica is like me and Candice's actual kid, she looks exactly like us and is always talking and making jokes with us) "cut and amazing job"  calls Greg Berlanti one of the producers of the flash. "Let's take an hour lunch break" says Tom who is directing this episode. Yes I think, my gaze drifting over to Candice. I walk over to her and ask her "hey Candice want to go out for lunch with me?" "Sure Grant" she says. Then we walk past Jessica who is reading over her script for the next episode. "Hey Jess do you want to come for lunch with Grant and I? Candice calls out. "Yeah" I say sadly thinking that I would have her to myself. "Of course mom and dad" Jessica jokingly says to us. "Okay Great!" Candice replies! I suddenly feel bad that Jess is coming too because I wanted Candice all to myself because I have a secret crush on her!
Candice's POV
I just finished shooting a westallen family scene with Grant and Jess. And then a few seconds later, Grant comes up to me and asks me If I want to go to lunch with him?!! Does this mean that he likes me?? I hope so because I like him too😊😊!! Then I suddenly feel really nervous and ask Jess to come along with us to lighten the mood, but Grant's smile drops but then comes back a few seconds later. What does that mean?? Ugh, boys!! So the three of us head out to lunch at Chipotle , which is super busy this time of day so we can only find a table with a 3 Chairs but two on one side and one on the other. Jess tells us her order and sits down at the booth while Grant and I go up and order. When we come back from ordering we find out that Jessica is sitting on the side with the one chair so me and Grant squeeze next to each other on the two seater seat! Eek, I look at Jess and she is smirking and Grant and I... she must know?! When they call out our order, Grant being the gentleman he is goes up and gets it  and pays for it and then Jess whispers to me "I know you like him and he likes you too, so just go for it!!" Really?? I don't know, do you really think that he likes me? Grant is right next to us when I say that last part and I hope he didn't hear that!
Grant's POV
I hear some whispering and giggling as I leave the table and I wonder what is going on, they are super engrossed in their conversations that I sneak over to them and hear the last part of their conversation, "do you really think he likes me?" Candice says. They automatically stop talking when I come back so I assume they were talking about me? But I don't say anything when I come back just squeezing next to Candice a little more and rubbing our thighs together. "Thanks so much for buying lunch today Grant!" Candice and Jess say " of course anything for my girls" I say to them "aww" Candice says!
Candice's POV
I don't know if Grant heard us talking because he doesn't say anything. But he does press us together more and put his thigh right next to mine. Grant is so sweet he bought Jess and i's lunch. Some guy recognizes us and comes barreling over and tries to make me kiss him but then Grant tells him to knock it off and then when he doesn't he calls the manager over and doesn't sit down until the person is taken out of the store! "That was soo nice of you Grant and soo brave too " I say to him.
Jessica's POV
They are soo cute together and I keep on trying to get them together and dating but they are both super oblivious to the others feelings! So I bring up something that they can't ignore... "so have you guys seen the grandice hashtag on instagram?" I say to them, yeah, they both say and look at each other and then smile. Haha! My work here is complete! "Omg! I have to finish memorizing my lines for the next episode!" I say. Aww, they both say together.
Candice's  and Grant's POV (they are thinking the same thing) 
That Jess, always playing matchmaker. Obviously I have seen the #grandice on instagram, I look at almost every day.
Grant's POV
So who were you and Jess talking about? Candice blushes... "you heard that??" she squeaks "yup" I say back to her, "well in all honesty we were talking about you" she says embarrassed 😳. " well I like you too I say to her and I have for 5 years, I liked you since I met you in the table read back in 2014. "That's when I started to like you too"Candice says.
"Really"? I say "Really" she says. Then we don't care who's watching but we both lean in and we kiss😘 .

So this was my first chapter of my very first story on Wattpad. Thanks so much for reading. I would love feedback but I worked really hard on this and would appreciate nice comments as well. I love Westallen and Grandice so please keep reading. I won't be able to post often but I will try my best to post as much as I can. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me if you have any ideas for any other chapters! Wow! This was 1010 words! Thank you again!

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