SDCC (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
This is our 5th comic con and it will be soo fun! I love going to comic cons because I can see my fans but also stare at Candice for as long as  I want. So we all got on the plane in Vancouver where we were shooting and headed to San Diego for the con. After that we had free time until the next day. So we all Headed to the hotel and found a surprise, everyone from the dctv was staying there so it was overbooked and when they thought they had two rooms they only had one, so Rooms 908 and 909 were actually together and the people had to share the room. "Who has those rooms??" Tom yelled out, I looked  at my reservation and yelled out "I have room 908, who has room 909??" Candice says "I have room 909" then everyone goes oohhh, like immature kids. We both look at each other but look away. The hotel manager comes out and apologized and asked if there was anything they could do but I automatically said that it was fine. So did Candice- yay!!
Candice's POV
So I have a crush on Grant and now we have to share a room?? I'm nervous but also really happy. So we wave goodbye to everyone and head to our room and I freak out again when I see that there's only one bed!! Aaahhh!! But Grant just smiles at me and says "Candice I have something to tell you... I didn't protest about our room because I actually like you. Omg!!! What should I say back to him....I just realized that he's been waiting for a response. "Oh sorry, I was just wondering when you were going to shake me awake." "No Candice, Your awake and I am ready to be in a relationship with you." "Oh, Okay then!! I like you too Grant " I say. "So, I can call you my girlfriend then Candice Patton?" "Yes you can Grant Gustin" then he gently pulls me onto the balcony outside and we kiss 😘 right there and then.
The Next Day at Comic Con
Grant's POV
We are in an interview with entertainment tonight and I mess up on the difference between me and Barry. So I embarrassedly sling me arm around Candice and put my head on her shoulder. She cups my face then, but then sadly Carlos goes "she's not your real girlfriend Grant" and then we automatically break apart but with her sending me a sneaky smile. "Yeah, but we actually are a real couple" and then we kiss in front of the whole cast and everyone watching. Afterwards we take this really cute selfie.

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