Banquet (Westallen)

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Barry's POV
Iris and I are standing next to the couch/ Nora's converted bed at night, watching Nora sleep soundly. "Come on Nora!! Wake up" I shout. "It's 12 o'clock PM! "Ugh, I'm still sleeping" she muttered groggily. "Well, we have to go to that fancy dinner tonight at the police banquet!" I tell her, "wait! what?? That's tonight?" She says as she super-speeds across the room getting dressed and sitting at the kitchen table for lunch. "Okay! Now that your up, we still have to go dress shopping for you and me." Iris tells Nora excitedly, "Barry, why Don't you go find a suit and we Will meet back here in about 2 hours." "Okay" we all agree and we set off to find the perfect outfits.
Iris's POV
Nora and I are looking at dresses and she finds a short navy blue dress that looks amazing on her and is on clearance, so we don't have to pay full price. Then Nora finds this beautiful short red dress that has an amazing style and I automatically fall in love with it, it's also on the deal! Then I get a text from Barry, "asking me what color my dress is so he can get that color tie!" I reply back with "it's red" and he says "oh😉😏. "Barry! Nora's reading these texts too😂" I reply. He replies with "really? oh, well she already knows that I love you!" "aww, Barry! that's so sweet!" I reply. He sends a 😘 and says see you at home 😉, okay, we are leaving the store now! "Ok, see you in a bit"
Barry's POV
After Iris and Nora come back from the dress store, Iris gives me a quick kiss on the lips and Nora hugs me but then they run off towards Iris's and my room to do their girlie stuff. A few hours later..."Oh, well"... I think, I just grab a bottle of my hair gel and gel it into a quiff back onto my head, then I put on my suit and tie my tie and then I'm ready to go. I hear my room door opening up and I sit on the couch outside so I can watch my wife and daughter come out. I hear Iris saying "Now presenting, Nora West-Allen!" Nora comes out and looks really pretty, and grown up!  "wow, Nora! you look really pretty." "Aww, thanks dad, but you will pass out when you see mom!" Nora tells me. "Now presenting, my mom- Iris West-Allen!" Iris comes out and looks super gorgeous. I applaud and then I wrap my arm around iris's waist and kiss her, then she kisses me back and Nora says "aww, but eww!" we break apart laughing! Then Nora says smile and grabs my phone off the table and we both smile into the camera while she's taking the picture! Then I say "Selfie time!!" and I stretch out my arm to get all of us in the picture! Then I walk towards the car to leave for the banquet with iris's hand in mine and Nora walking on the other side of me.

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