Mysterious Lover (Westallen)

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Sorry for doing this so late, I wanted to do my other ideas. This isn't a continuation of the Eddie story. it's a new story but with the same concept.
Nora's POV
Mom, Dad and I are at Ralph's birthday party which is just basically us and the rest of the star labs crew at a bar! 😂, and I see some strange dude staring at mom who's waiting for a drink at the bar while dads talking to Cisco over at the other end of the bar. I walk quickly over to mom and whisper in her ear, "there's some guy over there who's watching you". "Really? Let's walk away slowly." She whispers back. Then the strange dude walks towards us and says, "Iris? I missed you so much!! I'm back, I don't know how but it's 2015 and I love you!!" The mysterious guy tells mom. "Eddie? How are you back? You died...and it's 2018 and I'm sorry but I moved on to a much better, kinder, and more loving guy." Mom tells 'Eddie?' "Oh, really? Better than me? Yeah.. right. Who is it? I don't think you actually love this guy, your just saying that...."Eddie skeptically says  "Well, I know for a fact that she loves her husband and always will..." I tell Eddie, "Oh, and who are you?, another freak who believes that Iris doesn't belong with me?" Eddie tells me. "Don't call her a freak and I do belong with BARRY!, I love him and always will." Mom screams at Eddie, "Barry?? I hate that jerk, he stole my woman away from me." Eddie screams out.
Iris's POV
Barry comes running from where he was earlier and automatically wraps his arms around me lovingly. "Barry, barry, took iris away from me. You are the biggest loser ever, I can't believe that she would be with you." Eddie tells Barry. "He is not a loser and he's mine and it's not really a surprise that I'm with Barry, he's amazing." I tell Eddie. "Come on Iris and Nora...let's go back to the loft." Barry says kissing me passionately. "I love Iris and I always will, don't you realize that Eddie?" Barry tells Eddie angrily, Eddie doesn't respond but angrily storms over to Barry and attempts to punch him but Barry quickly jumps out of the way and uses his speed to race Nora and I back to the loft while he goes back to the bar and quickly grabs Eddie and hands him off to My dad (Joe) , who's waiting to have a word with him about messing with his family 😂, then Barry races back home and I kiss him and I pull away real quick and whisper right against his lips, "I love you Barry Allen", "I love you too Iris West-Allen, and I was telling Eddie the truth, I always will love you".

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