Game Night (Westallen)

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Barry's POV
Iris and I are hanging out in our loft and we decide to play a how well do you know your girlfriend/ boyfriend game but with a little bit of a smutty aspect. If you know the answer then the person who asked the question has to take a piece of clothing off but if you don't know the answer then you have to take an article of clothing off. I'm wearing a shirt with a pair of jeans and a belt and my boxers and a pair of socks. Iris is wearing a pair of socks, a shirt and a skirt , a bra and panties. So we are both wearing the same amount of clothing so we start off. "Iris, what did I rename the class hamster in 3rd grade?" I ask her she responds with "Alexander Ham Bell" "Yup" I Say and Iris smirks at me while I slowly peel off my socks. "Haha, your up next I say. "Barry, what's my favorite dessert item?" "Ooh your going down Iris west, it's brownies with mint chocolate chip ice cream." Yeah, and she peels off her socks too.
Iris's POV
Barry and I are playing a sexier version of bf/gf q and a! So far we have both gotten our questions right and have only taken off our socks. "Barry, what's my middle name?" "Anne" he says "nice job bare" but it's not good for me?" "But it's good for me" Barry says. So I pull off my shirt while watching Barry smirk at me.... "okay, my turn" Barry says, "What was my first girlfriends name?" "I know this, it was Becky Cooper, I remember that Because I didn't like her" I tell him "Yeah, we know each too well" Barry says. "To make this fair," he says while pulling his shirt off and me staring at his abs and him staring at my breasts.
Barry's POV
This game is fun . Iris is soo beautiful and now I get to admire her but I can feel her admiring me too. Next question Iris says, "What was the name of the guy who would never ever stop flirting with me back in high school and I hated it ?" "Um, his name was Dick, I think."I say Ha, Nope! It was rick, take off an item. Iris tells me Okay, I say... I unwind my belt and set it down on the ground.  Next question I say, "Who was the first villain that I defeated with my powers?" "Reverse Flash?" She says sounding unsure. "Well....take off an item." I reply. Okay.. she pulls off her skirt leaving her in her bra and panties.
Iris's POV
Okay, I'm in my bra and panties but Barry still has his jeans on.My turn, "What was my best girlfriends name when I was a kid?" He answers " Kara" "Nope" I say. "It was Sara" oh, guess I know what that means he says while he yanks off his jeans and now we are both laying down in our underwear and he leans over pecks me on the lips. Then he pulls me onto his lap and we continue making out.

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