Vacation (Westallen)

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Barry's POV
It's a couple weeks after we have met Nora for the first time and we are settling into our family dynamic and it's been really fun. Nora is super attached to me but not to iris, which makes her upset, the other night "Barry, Nora is being really weird around me and it seems like with you guys running around the city and saving everyone it feels like we haven't had family time in a while. Iris sadly tells me. Iris has a really good idea to take us all on a family vacation. "To bring us back together as a family and as a couple" she says.  We end up deciding to go to The Bahamas for a week. I book the hotel but we decide that Nora and I can just take the stuff and run there.
A couple days later...
We finish packing all of our stuff and Nora runs ahead carrying it while I pick up Iris bridal style and run there. We arrive a few seconds later at the beautiful resort that I booked for us.
Iris's POV
We really needed this family vacation. I can feel myself already relaxing and enjoying myself. We check in a head to our room, it's a huge suite with a large king bed and a queen bed on the opposite side. It gives Nora a little bit of privacy while still being with us because the kitchen and the bathroom are in the middle of the two rooms. Barry and I sink onto our bed  and cuddle for a little bit while Nora unpacks, taking her time.  Then we curl up and watch tv while still cuddling and Nora  comes in and lays down near our feet. Then we all drift off for a little bit. When we wake up Barry asks us if we wanted to go to the pool. We all agree and change quickly. Barry quickly puts his navy blue trunks on and I slide my black and white striped bikini on and Nora puts her light purple and white tankini on. Nora wants to swim first so Barry and I cuddle in the hot tub first and then go in the pool and splash each other. "Mom and Dad" Nora says. "Yeah sweetie" we say together. "I met this guy at the pool and we talked for a little bit and we were planning on hanging out for a little bit. I know you guys haven't had a lot of couple time since I've shown up so maybe you guys can go on a date night??" "That is true" Barry says to me and I agree with him. So I put on my favorite sun dress, it's light purple and white and short with cut outs along the sides of the dress and I touch up my makeup and fiddle with my hair a bit. Barry puts on a  light blue short sleeves denim shirt with khaki shorts and styles his hair back into a perfectly  quiffed back style.
Barry's POV
"How do I look?" I asked Nora "you look great dad, mom is going to love it!" "You two should have soo much fun!" "Wow you look beautiful Iris ."I say to her and she replies with "You don't look too bad yourself Barry ." We get an Uber to the beach and we eat tacos and drink fruit cocktails from the restaurant there. Then we sit on the beach towel he brought and we admire the waves crashing into the shore. Then Iris and I both lean in and we kiss😘.
Iris's POV
Barry and I really needed that couples night out and we had a great time, after that first kiss Barry pulls me onto his lap and we continue making out for a while after that. "Let's head back to the hotel and we can continue this then" I say teasing him "Already? Do we have too?" "Nah, I was just teasing you" "I love you Barry Allen" I tell  him " I love you too Iris West-Allen" he says back to me.

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