not an update but hopefully!

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hey guys, i know it's been a while since i've updated. tbh i don't even know if anyone is still interested in this book so if you are please reach out and let me know bc that rly makes me wanna write more. it's been hard trying to come up with ideas and such so thank you to everyone who's either messaged me and supported me or even commented on one of my stories. thank you for even reading them. i have some new ideas for real and i'm really hoping to get some ideas down, thanks sm

hey guys
thank you so much for the comments, it really means a lot!! i think that i'm going to write an grandice multi chapter book and i've never written multi chapter before so please be patient with me. is that something you guys are interested in? let me know!!! i'll be starting a new book for that so look out for it love u guys!

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