Code Purple (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
I just got an email asking me to do a movie that's shooting in Vancouver, the same place where we shoot the flash, so they would work it out. It's about these two complete strangers but they work as detectives but then they fall in love with each other,. I automatically reply to the email saying that I am honored to do it and I will see them in Vancouver! They reply with great, so excited to see you in Vancouver for the film! See you then! Then I happily text Candice (who is my best friend) and say "I am in Code Purple!" She replies a few seconds later with "OMG!! Code Purple? I am the lead female role for that one!!" "REALLY?? I'm the male lead!! Yay!! I reply back. She replies, OMG! That's amazing, guess they already know that we have chemistry? ❤️ aaah!! She said that we have chemistry, I think to myself!! I reply with, "I think they do think that..😘" she replies with "aww grant 😘" and says see you tomorrow on the flash set. "Ok, bye😊
The next day.
Candice and I both run to each other and say congratulations and hug each other really tight, all while Tom cavanagh who plays Harrison Wells is taking a cute pic of us!! He posts it on Instagram saying "@grantgust and @candicepatton #realwestallen❤️
I automatically like it and comment "yup, it's official...😘
Candice likes it and comments: "we're official baby! ❤️ I walk over to her and I ask her, are we actually official? "What do you mean by official?" "Like dating...? "Ohh, yeah. I like you Grant and I always have and probably always will...! " I like you too Candice, being Barry Allen and being able to work with you has made me so happy!
Candice's POV
"We both lean in and it feels so familiar but so different because it's real! "I feel the spark on my lips, like I always feel when I kiss Grant but now it feels like a thousand fireworks are going off! Then we slowly break apart and walk hand in hand to "our loft" .

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