Mysterious lover (Westallen)

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Barry's POV
Iris and I got married a few days ago and are now on our honeymoon... we are in Bali! Soaking up the sunshine and swimming and drinking fruity cocktails. Today is our last day of our honeymoon and I pick up our stuff and Iris and speed home to central city. I unpack our stuff super quick so Iris doesn't have to later. "Oh thank you Barry that saved me a lot of work to do later" She tells me lovingly and she wraps her arms around my neck and we kiss. Then I run to S.T.A.R Labs and see what is going there, nothing much is going on just a robbery which I quickly take care of. "Barry there isn't any work to do around here so why don't you and Iris head home and relax and spend time together as newlyweds!" Cisco tells me. "Ok, thanks" I say. I race home to tell Iris and she screams excitedly!! Then we spend the rest of the afternoon kissing and playing board games and watching movies.
Iris's POV
This has been a really nice day, Barry and I have been spending so much time together and we get to do things we normally don't get to like watching movies and playing board games. Then Barry gets a call from Cisco at Star Labs, Which is weird because he said that he doesn't need anything today. So he would only call if there was an emergency. Right? I ask myself, Barry says to me that there's something at star labs and he sprints off carrying me bridal style. We walk in to see Eddie there!! "Eddie??" I say completely shocked. "Yeah, it's me Iris" "how did you get here" I ask. "I don't know, someone just came and told me to come with them if I wanted to be with you again" he says. "Eddie, what year is it?" Cisco asks "It's 2015" "no Eddie it's 2018 you have been dead for 3 years." Then he leans in and grabs my waist and tries to kiss me. "I missed you Iris" Eddie, let go of me" I scream "why?? I thought we were dating." He angrily says. "I moved on. To a better guy, one who appreciates me and loves me and will take care of me for the rest of my life" I tell him. "Who??" He yells, I stay quiet for 2 seconds and then I loudly yell for anyone in star labs to hear. "I love you Barry Allen and I always will" then I run to him and we kiss 😘 in front of Eddie who angrily says. "Well, your only dating, I can break you guys up" "grow up Eddie, we are married and we love each other" Barry says to him. "Lock him up in the pipeline for now" Cisco says and Barry takes care of that easily.
Barry's POV
I can't believe Eddie! The nerve to try and break me and Iris up. Such a jerk!! But I calm myself down knowing that I have Iris by my side for the rest of my life. "I love you Iris West-Allen," and "I love you too Barry Allen" we say to each other.

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