Baseball (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
The whole flash cast is at a baseball game for our mid season celebration. It's always super fun because we always split up in to who's going to win and it gets super heated. We end up finding our seats and I'm sitting next to Candice on one side and Carlos on the other. I'm really happy that I'm sitting next to Candice because I really like her, more than a friend. "Your going down Grant Gustin" Candice tells me, "I don't think so Candice Patton" "We'll see..."
Halfway into the game...
"Haha, I told you Candice, My team is winning!" She makes a pouty face, and she she leans in really close and whispers, "they'll win." "Okay, If you says so.. here let's make this more interesting, who ever loses has to buy ice cream for the other one right after the game." I say. "Okay, deal! I'm going to win so be ready to buy me mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream "Haha, we'll see!" "Look Grant they're doing the kiss cam on the Jumbotron." Carlos says. I don't process what he's saying at first because I'm too busy teasing Candice and her teasing me back. Then I suddenly hear a bunch of whistling and cheers of "kiss, kiss, kiss" and I look up at the big screen and I see Candice and my faces plastered on to the Jumbotron. I look at her and I ask her with my eyes, if she wants to do it? Without responding, she leans in and presses her lips to mine and we kiss for like an eternity. Then Carlos is tapping me on the shoulder and says, oh yeah, don't want to disturb you but the Jumbotron ended a few minutes ago. "Haha, did it?" Candice says. I summon up all my courage and ask Candice, "Candice Patton, will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course I will Grant Gustin." Then we both lean in and kiss again, without a Jumbotron on our faces. "Enough kissing you two, you can do that later" Carlos jokingly says. 15 minutes later..."Haha, I told you my team would win!" Candice screams excitedly. "I'm okay, I already won. You are my girlfriend! Okay, let's go get some ice cream." "Aww Grant that's so sweet." So we drive to the ice cream place and I order 2 scoops of cookies and cream and pistachio Candice gets 2 scoops of mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream too. "Cheers" I say while we clink our ice creams together. "I'm so happy that we finally got together Grant. This is so nice." Candice says in between licks of her ice cream. "I am super happy that we are together too." Then we both lean in and kiss in the empty ice cream parlor.

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