Dog Dreams (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
Candice and I are playing with my dogs outside my apartment and Candice is saying how bad she wants to have a dog but hasn't had any time to go and pick one out. So the next day I head to the animal shelter and pick out the perfect dog for Candice, she's gold and has curly fur and is super cute, just like Candice! 1/2 hour later...
"Um Candice, I have something for you" I say."Oh, you didn't need to get me anything Grant! Thank you though." She replies. I reach behind me and open the door to my trailer and I lead her inside as she sees the dog sitting on the bed. "Here's the present" and I point to the dog. "OMG!! YOU GOT ME A DOG???" She screams excitedly "Yup" I say sheepishly. "Thank you soooooo much Grant!!!, she's perfect" "Your welcome, Candice, the people at the shelter didn't have a name for her so you can name her whatever you want!!" I tell her!  "No, you should name her, you adopted her for me!" She responds "Let's come up with two names each and we can decide" I compromised. "Okay" "what are your two names??" Candice asks me, "let's say them both on the count of three! 1..2..3! "Zoe!" "Whoa, did you say Zoe too?" We both say. "I don't even need to hear the other one, Zoe is perfect!" Candice says  "I'm glad!" I tell her. Then without any warning, she leans in and kisses me firmly on the lips and I kiss her back.  Then we continue kissing and  she wraps her arms around my shoulders. (Like Jim and Pam in the office). When we finally break apart for air, Candice asks "Do you and Jett and Nora  want to go on a doggie date tomorrow with Zoe and I?" "Of course I would! That would be so fun!" Okay, I'm looking forward to it!" We lean again for one more kiss and then walk hand and hand out to set to shoot a Westallen scene.

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