Secret Santa (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
We are doing Secret Santa on set and we are drawing names today. I get Candice and Carlos automatically tells me that he gets Tom. I laugh at how perfect it is and how it's going to work out. Now, I have to decide what I am going to get Candice. Candice and I are dating and have been for a few months and no one knows about us. We are trying to keep it so no one knows so the paparazzi doesn't figure it out.
Candice's POV
I pull a slip of paper out from the hat and it reads Grant on it, I am surprised at how lucky I am that I got my boyfriend. Jessica comes into my trailer and asks me, "Candi, who do you have?" "I have Grant" I whisper into her ear so that no one will hear. She whispers, "Ooh, you so like him so that will be perfect." "Haha, is it that obvious?" I say while blushing like crazy. "Yup, so obvious" she says back. "wow...and I thought that I was subtle? Who do you have Jess?" I reply jokingly "Oh, I have Dani" she says in return, "but I don't know what to get her?, any ideas?" I am thinking about it and reply, "Definitely some cute holiday stuff with some fun things that she would enjoy!" "Okay, thanks Candi, you probably don't need any help with Grant's gift right?" Jess asked, "Haha, I think I got it, thanks tho Jess!" We walk out of my trailer to see Grant and Carlos messing around and talking about Secret Santa, "So Carlos, who do you have?" I ask, He replies totally in tune with Cisco, "Nope, Nuh uh, it's a secret...." We all laugh and then Grant asks Jess who she has and she puts a finger to her lips and mimes zipping them shut, and then Grant and I walk towards his trailer so we can have lunch and are unaware of how much Jessica and Carlos are fangirling over us. A few weeks later...
"Gift Exchange Today!" Danielle whoops as she makes her way into the 'Cortex' where we are all waiting. "Ooh, I'm so excited to see what I got!" I murmur excitedly to Grant, who looks equally as excited. I hear people excitedly exchanging gifts and then I finally hear, "Candice, here's your gift from..Grant!" He got you and you got him i think excitedly... and as Carlos mentions it, I feel Grant beside me dropping slowly to one knee and open a small ring box while everyone silently processes and Jess freaking out about what's going on. Then Grant takes my hand from where he's kneeling and grins at me with tears in his eyes and says, "Candice Kristina Patton, you make my world light up everyday we are together, your courage, strength and bravery are things that I admire about you and your sweet and caring attitude and that Smile, oh man that smile, makes everyone automatically smile with you and never want to stop. I love you and will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?  I just gasp in shock and can feel tears pooling in my eyes as I manage, "Of course I'll marry you Grant!" and with that he stands up, slides the ring on my finger and we kiss, while everyone breaks out in applause and cheers. After that, I say in a small voice, "I got you a wallet" totally mimicking Iris and he completes the line with, "I'm sure I'll love it" and then we laugh and kiss again.

Hi! This is long overdue but I hope you will enjoy, I really loved writing this because it gave me those cute Grandice feels, thanks for making me feel loved and reading these fanfics!! -ilovewestallen8

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