Highschool (Westallen)

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*this one is going to have other characters from the arrowverse in it!
The Ships in this chapter:
Caitlin and Cisco
Thea and Roy
Barry's POV
Right now it's lunch time for the half of the juniors and seniors and me and my girlfriend Iris and my three best friends and their girlfriends are sitting together at lunch. Iris and I are sitting next to each other and I am sitting next to Oliver and he's next to felicity. Iris is next to Kara who is next to Mon-El. Mon-El is next to Cisco and next to him is Caitlin. (It's one of those circle tables).
We are all Seniors along with Sara and Laurel Lance and Alex Danvers who is Kara's sister but they don't sit with us at lunch. The Juniors at the table next to us are Thea Queen, Oliver's sister. Roy Harper (her boyfriend) Wally West, iris's sister. And his girlfriend Jesse Quick also James Olson and Lena Luthor.
Back to the lunch table...
Iris and I hold hands on top of the table while we eat lunch! Then the topic turns to Halloween, Iris says " I am going as a Disney princess. Then I say " if you are going to be a princess then I am going to be your "prince charming"awwww" all the girls at the table go. Iris included, All the boys give me dirty looks for being a better boyfriend then them! Halloween...
I show up to Iris's house to come pick her up to take her trick or treating with me. She looks gorgeous dressed up as Jasmine and I tell her that. "Aw thanks Barry" "you look so cute dressed up as Aladdin." She tells me, "Do you want to head over to Oliver and Felicity's Halloween party?" She also asks me. "Nah, come on. Let's go trick or treating by ourselves." I say. So I grab Iris's hand and she holds on tight as I lead her out of the house as we are both giggling.

*I hope you guys liked this one, it was my first Westallen story in a while! If you have any ideas for a story or comments then please write them below! 😂❤️

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