Baseball Game (Westallen)

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Barry's POV
Today is the annual CCPD Baseball game, they have it every year and we are all required to play. Usually I dread it but this year, It will be better because I have my beautiful wife and daughter in the stands cheering Joe and I on. I am up to bat next and Iris screams "Goooo Barry!!" and I look up at her and I smile really big and then hit the ball perfectly, watching it soar farther and farther until it goes out of the park! "Home Run" the ump yells out The whole crowd cheers really loud while I circle all 4 bases. Then when I return Iris comes down from the stands and gives me a long, passionate kiss 😘 . Then Nora screams "eww!! Mommy and daddy are kiss kiss !!". (Nora is 4 years old in this story). We break apart laughing,  while Nora runs over and hugs us both really tightly and screams family hug, family hug so we both hug her and then I run back out into the field. After the game is over then we all head out for ice cream. Joe and Cecile and Jenna all hop in our large mini van and Iris and I sit in the front and Jenna and Nora are sitting in the back baby talking and so are joe and Cecile.  After we eat our ice cream we drop joe, Cecile and Jenna off and head back to our apartment. "Barry..." Iris says, "yeah Iris??" I say cuddling with her and Nora. Iris on one side and Nora on the other. "I'm pregnant" Iris says. "What??" I say shocked but really happy. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling well so I went to the doctor the other day and they told me then!!" By now we are both crying tears of joy and happiness and Nora looks at us and  "Mommy and Daddy what  wong?? Why you sad?" She says In her cute vocabulary.
Iris's POV
I can't believe I'm pregnant, Barry and I are soo happy!! We love Nora and want Another child so they can play together and grow up like we did. "Nora honey, nothings wrong.. mommy and daddy are just really happy because, do you want to tell her? I ask Barry?
No, this is all you, okay well you are Going to be a big sister!" "Little sissy or brower? Nora says  yes I say,  A little sibling! We are all excited and Nora is soo excited that she promptly rolls over and falls asleep. Barry tucks a blanket over her and carries her to to her bed and that's where we head too, back to our bed.

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