Falling Asleep (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
I am so tired and ready to fall asleep because last night I was up with my dogs and I was texting Candice because she's probably exhausted too because she was up with her dog! I walk onto the loft set during my break and I see the really comfortable bed that's in one of the rooms and I flop onto it exhausted.  . Then I see someone else in the bed and I see the face of Candice.
Candice's POV
I was up all last night with Zoe, my dog and I was texting Grant because he was up with his dogs too and during my break, I walk into the loft scene and see the really comfortable bed and I get in it and burrow myself under the covers. Then I feel someone else get in and I see a flash of short brown hair and the features of Grant. So I roll over and he's on his back so I slide my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around my waist and we both say good night and then fall asleep in that position.
About an hour later...
"Candice, Grant. Where are you guys??" Someone on the cast yells out. "Omg!! We fell asleep" I whisper to Grant. "It's okay, let's just slowly walk out and I'll smooth your hair if you smooth mine." He says with a wink. "Okay" I say. Oh. "Finally, there you guys are!" " we are shooting a Westallen scene now, but in their loft in their bed. I look at Grant and he looks back at me and we both hide our smirks. Then we walk behind everyone but hand in hand.

Hi Guys!! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything in a really long time!!  I have been having some serious writers block and I need some new ideas!! I hope you like this one!! Please write your ideas in the comments!
Thank you so much for reading this story!! I love hearing from you guys!! 😂❤️

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