Boyfriend?? (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
Candice and I just finished shooting the scene where Barry and Iris are enjoying married life and Barry is kissing Iris and they are having fun. I like Candice but I don't think she likes me back so now I'm really confused on what to do. "Grantttttt" Candice screams running over to me.  "What's going on candi?" I ask her. "Soo my parents are coming over to my house to visit and I told them I have a boyfriend but I really don't and I was wondering if you could maybe.. pretend to be my boyfriend for a few days while they are here?" She asks with a pleading look and a pouty lip. "Ugh, you know I can't say no to you." I reply. "Yay! Thanks so much "babe" she says while winking. Soo, update, Candice asked me to be her boyfriend but only for show but she could have asked any guy on set or even off set. She's gorgeous she could have gotten anyone but she chose me. I think smiling.  (Sorry for doing this in the middle of the chapter but I wanted to try something new with their conversations because it's getting hard to do it with the "".)
G= Grant C=Candice (it's still in first person tho)
G- okay, when do we start babe?
C-how about right now? , we are going out to lunch with them.
G- okay, should I come with you or should I drive myself?
C- we should go together, I can drive if you want?
G- that's okay, I can drive!
C- thanks so much babe!
We have just arrived at the restaurant and Candice's parents are already sitting there.
CP=Candice's parents
G- Hello Mr. and Mrs. Patton, it's a pleasure to meet you.
CP- so nice to meet you too, Grant.
C- let's order, shall we?
Candice's POV
We all slide in a booth and Grant and I are on one side and my parents are on the other. I sit right next to him and I cuddle up right next to him and he makes a big show of sliding his arm Around me and kissing me. I kiss him back even harder until I hear a little cough from the waiter who's waiting to take our order. Oops
C- I will have the chicken burrito
G- I will have the ground beef burrito
We order and then we go back to kissing, almost forgetting that my parents were there.
G- come on Candice, let's go wash our hands
C- okay Grant let's go
Grant slides out of the booth and offers me his hand. I take it and pull myself off the seat. We walk towards the bathrooms, hand in hand until we reach the bathrooms.
G- I washed my hands when we came in
C- I did too
G- this was my excuse to do this but not make your parents uncomfortable
, and to tell you this.
C- do what? And tell me what?
Grant grabs my waist and kisses 😘 me firmly on the lips but his lips melting into mine and fitting like a warm glove and we break apart and he whispers in my ear.
G- I love you Candice Patton!
C- I love you too Grant Gustin!
Then we sneakily head back to the table where the food has arrived and so, Grant wraps his left arm around my waist and is right hand on his burrito.

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