Paparazzi (Grandice)

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Grant's POV
Candice and I are walking on the street outside of my apartment building, practicing lines and just chatting about everything, because we're best friends and nothing more...maybe, yeah she's my girlfriend but we're trying to keep it on the down low so the paparazzi don't find out. "Hey Candice, I'm hungry, are you?" "Yeah Grant, I'm super hungry, can we go to your apartment? "Sure, I have some snacks I think" we both laugh and she grabs my hand as we walk up to the apartment, little did we know that there was a camera watching us the whole time."I'll make some popcorn and I already have a box of cookies over there" I say pointing. "Okay, but first..." Candice says as she walks over to me and passionately kisses me and then wraps her arms around me as she continues kissing me. "Ok, let me grab the snacks and we can head out on the deck to enjoy the nice weather...and to continue this?" I ask Candice, she replies with "K, I'll grab the cookies.. can you grab the popcorn?" " Sure, then we both walk out on to the deck.
Candice's POV
Grant has 2 lounge chairs with a mini table on the side of them. He lays down on one, and then gestures for me to lay down next to him. I do and then he leans in and seals the kiss on my lips as I kiss him back... after a half an hour more of this, we head inside and lay on the couch and watch old episodes of the flash.😂, the next day, I wake up on Grant's couch, with a blanket wrapped around us and him laying down next to me. He wakes up and kisses me and then he unlocks his phone while I get up to go make breakfast. "CANDICE!! Come here, look at this!!" I run over there and ask, "What happened? Is everything okay?" "Look at this!! I look at the screen to see pictures of us yesterday holding hands when we walked inside grant's apartment and another picture of us kissing on the lounge chairs, with a headline reading, Are Candice Patton and Grant Gustin dating?, The real story behind the real life Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen. "Oh My Gosh, how did get those pictures?" I ask Grant, "I don't know, but I think we should you know, say that it's true, that we're actually dating? "Okay, let's do it!" We both open our Instagrams and post two of our favorite picture of us with our own captions, my post, We're dating.  I wanna keep making memories with you, love you my weirdo. @grantgust, #grandice😘
Grant's post: We're dating, it's finally happening #grandice shippers, love you my girl. @candicepatton 😘.
Then I lean over, and kiss her cheek and put my arm around her as we cuddle.

**Hope you guys like this one! I really love grandice! 😂❤️

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